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2023 DRUID PDW on the future of Collaborations across Disciplines, Organizations and Stakeholders

  • 1.  2023 DRUID PDW on the future of Collaborations across Disciplines, Organizations and Stakeholders

    Posted 05-31-2023 10:42

    Dear Colleagues,

    If you are attending the 2023 DRUID Conference at NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, Portugal, we are glad to invite you to the PDW: "Breaking Barriers: The Drivers and Consequences of Collaborations Across Disciplines, Organizations and Stakeholders". It will be held on June 10 (9:00-12:00). We are excited of being joined by such an accomplish group of panelists in this opportunity and looking forward to counting with you in a lively exploration of the future of collaboration. Please find below further information about the PDW.



    Marianna Marra (University of Sussex)

    Abhijit Sengupta (University of Surrey)


    Isabel Maria Bodas-Freitas

    Magda Fontana

    Martina Iori

    Sorin Krammer

    Martin Meyer

    Paul Nightingale 


    Arriving at workable, efficient and sustainable solutions to complex societal and scientific challenges often require collaborative problem-solving across multiple boundaries such as research disciplines, institutions (universities, public and private research organizations, consultants) and stakeholders (researchers, industry, policy makers). Such collaborations are usually difficult to initiate and maintain, often due to high barriers set as a result of epistemological and ontological differences, differences in the evaluation of what constitutes a relevant output of research and the relevant time frame within which to deliver it, as well as geographic and cultural differences between the stakeholders. Yet, it is increasingly being realized that diversity within research, researchers and stakeholders is not just desirable, but an absolute necessity for tackling a plethora of problems. The PDW aims to highlight the complex interplay between the various factors that underlie this diversity and explore the theoretical dimensions of antecedents and consequences of this diversity. For instance, the discussion will focus on how researchers from multiple disciplines can effectively collaborate, where the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of such collaborations lie, and what its impact could be on micro (researcher), meso (discipline) and macro (organization) levels. The PDW will also explore themes such as interplay between inter-disciplinary and inter-organizational research, that is, how simultaneously reaching out across multiple boundaries can help or hinder impact and stakeholders.

    The PDW is organized in three parts: in the first, two invited speakers offer their knowledge of the innovation and collaboration dynamics in the research ecosystems, in the second a panel of scholars will shed light on the most recent trends in collaborations across disciplinary and institutional boundaries in the fields of innovation studies, technology management, business management, economics and strategy. In the third, we will have an interactive discussion involving the speakers, panelists and the audience in the form of thematic round tables, that will act as a springboard for new ideas around these topics, and look to trigger new projects and collaborations.


    We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon!

    Best wishes,

    Marianna Marra, Abhijit Sengupta

    Rafael Corredoira
    The Ohio State University
    Columbus OH
    (614) 292-4563