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Call for Papers on Special Issue: Reimaging Theories and Frameworks of Entrepreneurship Through the Lens of Transitional Entrepreneurship

  • 1.  Call for Papers on Special Issue: Reimaging Theories and Frameworks of Entrepreneurship Through the Lens of Transitional Entrepreneurship

    Posted 02-20-2024 18:33


    Management Decision Special Issue:

    Reimagining Theories and Frameworks of Entrepreneurship Through the Lens of Transitional Entrepreneurship

    Submission Deadline: 15 July 2024

    Guest Editors 

    Angela Randolph, Babson College, USA, arandolph@babson.edu

    Jay O'Toole, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, USA, jotoole@odu.edu
    Anil Nair, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University; USA,


    Transitional Entrepreneurship refers to entrepreneurship among members of historically marginalized groups who use entrepreneurship to overcome social, economic, and institutional disparities (Bruton et al., 2021; Nair and Chen, 2021; Pidduck and Clark, 2021). The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines marginalized as "[relegated] to an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group." Marginalized groups can include people of color, immigrants, refugees, women, veterans, individuals from economically distressed communities, LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and others denied or otherwise prevented from equal social standing within a society. As such, transitional entrepreneurship is fundamentally about how marginalized people can use entrepreneurship to reduce the ill effects of stigma, bias, and discrimination, individually and collectively. Through this lens, entrepreneurship can be a means to challenge the status quo and improve the lives of marginalized groups through economic and social mobility.

    Although there is a growing body of literature on marginalized groups such as gender (e.g., Carter et al., 2007; Jennings and Brush, 2013; Mitchelmore and Rowley, 2013), race (e.g., Bates et al., 2018; Neville et al., 2018; Smith & Tang, 2013), and social class (e.g., Audretsch et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2020) within entrepreneurship and management, research on the topic is limited. Studies focusing on specific groups of marginalized entrepreneurs are important because marginalized groups are not homogenous or monolithic. Without these studies, our field risks insensitivity to the challenges and needs of the marginalized groups under study, potentially creating more harm than good (Chowdhury, 2021). However, when these groups are studied in isolation, the field of entrepreneurship misses opportunities to understand intersectionality and the impact of differences and similarities between groups.  

    This special issue focuses on critically examining our assumptions about extent theories of entrepreneurship through novel theory development and empirical insights when applicable. In the spirit of Ogbor (2000), we invite scholars to deconstruct the hegemonic assumptions of existing entrepreneurship theories by considering the lived experiences of marginalized groups engaged in transitional entrepreneurship. For entrepreneurship theory to be inclusive and more generalizable, more research needs to question the assumptions that imbue extant theories that do not capture the reality of marginalized groups. Ground up theory building is necessary because standard entrepreneurial theories do not capture marginalized entrepreneurs' lived experiences (Bruton et al., 2023). Using extant theories to explain transitional entrepreneurship can lead to false assertions and conclusions.

    We want to emphasize that we are open to all perspectives and methodologies. While we encourage research across marginalized groups, the editors acknowledge that scholars may focus on one group. The differentiating feature of this issue is the focus on deconstructing existing theories by addressing their assumptions to improve our understanding of how marginalized people can use entrepreneurship to reduce the negative consequences effects of stigma, bias, and discrimination against marginalized individuals and groups.


    List of topic areas

    Entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial opportunities; risk and uncertainty; resource acquisition; entrepreneurial cognition; entrepreneurial learning; entrepreneurial identity; entrepreneurial action; entrepreneurial process; entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurial resourcefulness; entrepreneurial passion; entrepreneurial intent; entrepreneurial networks; entrepreneurial eco-systems; institutional entrepreneurship; social identity; diversity, inclusion & equity

    Submissions Information

    Submissions are made to Management Decision using ScholarOne Manuscripts.

    Registration and access are available by clicking the button: Submit your paper here!
    Author guidelines must be strictly followed.
    Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to "Please select the issue you are submitting to". 
    Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

    Key Deadlines

    Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 15 February 2024
    Closing date for manuscripts submission: 15 July 2024    
    Email for submission queries:

    Angela Randolph
    Assistant Professor
    Babson College
    Babson Park MA