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Ivey Business School Hiring for Organizational Behavior (non-tenure track)

  • 1.  Ivey Business School Hiring for Organizational Behavior (non-tenure track)

    Posted 02-26-2024 10:27

    Ivey Business School (Western University) in London, Ontario is seeking applicants for a Limited Term (non-tenure track) position in Organizational Behavior. We especially need coverage for our negotiations courses and our undergraduate leadership/teamwork course. We are a case-teaching institution, and we value industry experience in the classroom. See the link below for full job ad. London, Ontario is a great location (driving distance to both the Toronto and Detroit airports) and has many amenities for young families. Learn more about London here.

    Job ad: https://www.uwo.ca/facultyrelations/careers/pdf/Advertisement_Ivey_OB-LT_2024.pdf. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="0">https://www.uwo.ca/facultyrelations/careers/pdf/Advertisement_Ivey_OB-LT_2024.pdf

    Please consider applying or share this job ad with those that may be interested! Thank you!



    Shannon L. Rawski, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Organizational Behaviour Group
    Ivey Business School
    Western University
    London, Ontario, Canada