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Last chance for SEM in Mplus and Mixed-Methods Research - livestream seminars

  • 1.  Last chance for SEM in Mplus and Mixed-Methods Research - livestream seminars

    Posted 06-12-2023 08:25
    Hello everyone
    Last chance to register for the upcoming structured course From Path Analysis to Longitudinal and Multilevel SEM in Mplus, starting this week. The course covers everything you'll need to know in order to master Mplus and a wide range of the models that it makes possible.
    This is done in four separate seminars, including three livestreamed seminars, SEM with Latent Moderated Mediation in Mplus, Longitudinal SEM in Mplus, and Multilevel SEM in Mplus, as well as a free introductory on-demand seminar, Path Analysis with Interactions and Indirect Effects in Mplus. You can either purchase each seminar individually, or buy them together as a structured course with a 10% discount.
    Coming up this week, Instats is also offering a Mixed-Methods Research seminar by University of Michigan professor Daphne Watkins. This is a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world's best mixed methods researchers -- don't miss out!
    Best wishes and hope to see you there!
    Michael Zyphur
    Institute for Statistical and Data Science

    Michael Zyphur
    UQ Business School
    University of Queensland