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Reminder: Register for Virtual Idea & Paper Incubator Workshop on "Quiet Quitting"!

  • 1.  Reminder: Register for Virtual Idea & Paper Incubator Workshop on "Quiet Quitting"!

    Posted 11-06-2023 21:08
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    Just a reminder to register to join us for one of the (virtual) Idea and Paper Incubator Workshops for the Special Issue of Human Resource Management on "the disquiet of quiet quitting" on either November 13th at 9-11am Eastern Time or November 16 at 9-11pm Eastern Time. While we request all extended abstracts be submitted as soon as possible, anyone registering prior to the event start date is welcome to join us!

    For more information or to register for an Idea and Paper Incubator Workshop, please click here or use the QR code in the image: https://forms.gle/otymT1w1FPi6eicZ7

    To see the formal call for papers for the SI, please click here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/assets/1099050X/HRM_CfP_TheDisquietOfQuietQuitting-1683642965347.pdf

    Questions on the SI and/or the Idea and Paper Incubator Workshops or can be sent to quietquittingSI@gmail.com or to any of the SI Guest Editors.

    John E. Delery, University of Arkansas, jdelery@walton.uark.edu 
    Solon Magrizos, University of Birmingham, s.magrizos@bham.ac.uk 
    Dorothea Roumpi, Pennsylvania State University, dzr352@psu.edu 
    Lauren Aydinliyim, Baruch College, City University of New York, lauren.aydinliyim@baruch.cuny.edu
    Jean Phillips, Pennsylvania State University, jean.phillips@psu.edu 
    Caitlin Porter, University of Memphis, Caitlin.Porter@memphis.edu  

    Dorothea Roumpi
    LER Alumni Endowed Early Career Professor and
    Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management
    School of Labor and Employment Relations
    507C Keller
    Pennsylvania State University
    University Park, PA 16802
    Email: dzr352@psu.edu