Apologies for Cross-Posting
Dear Colleagues,
The Southern Management Association (SMA) welcomes you to submit a paper or Professional Development Institute (PDI) proposal for consideration in this year's annual program. The 2024 SMA Annual Meeting will take place October 29 - November 2 at the Hilton Palacio del Rio, San Antonio, TX.
In addition to our academic research program, we will again offer world-class doctoral and professional consortia. We are also continuing our traditional and round table session formats this year, and you can indicate the session format that best fits your preference. Finally, we have again partnered with the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) to offer methods short courses on Wednesday at the conference. Combined with our many networking events, our goal is that this meeting will be a value-added experience for all who attend.
There are many ways to get involved:
1. Submit: The academic research program is the heart of our annual meeting, but we need your manuscripts and PDI proposals. The deadline for submissions is April 28, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. To submit manuscripts, use the following link:
2. Review: Sign up to review for the annual meeting. We will limit you to three manuscripts per track. Please note that submission to the program includes an expectation that you and your coauthors will review. We also recognize "best reviewers" in each track for your efforts.
3. Volunteer: We have numerous volunteer opportunities available. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Andrew Hanna (ahanna3@unl.edu), if you're interested in helping out at this year's annual meeting.
4. Attend: Block out your calendars now to participate in this year's annual meeting. Whether you are a long time member or new attendee, SMA always serves as a productive and fun meeting.
Co-Chairs for Track 5: Careers, social Issues, Diversity Issues, Ethics
Mark Geiger, PhD, Duquesne University (geigerm1@duq.edu)
Min Geiger, PhD, Duquesne University (geigerm2@duq.edu)
Min Geiger
Assistant Professor of Management
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh PA