


Welcome to the Human Resources (HR) Division of the Academy of Management! We are a community that is passionate about developing and sharing knowledge related to the effective management of people at work. Our interests range from traditional concerns related to the effectiveness of specific HR practices to more recent questions associated with the evolving employment relationship and the changing nature of work. We welcome scholars, teachers, and practitioners to join our community and to contribute to our discourse. 

As a Division, we recognize that our members’ needs are varied and are in many cases met through a combination of conference- and non-conference-centered initiatives. With that in mind, we have set out to ensure that we are investing in a balance of traditional conference programming at the annual AOM meeting in August (see the most recent AOM program for our annual slate of consortia geared toward doctoral students and junior faculty, as well as the always-popular HR Research Roundtable Networking Forum), as well as a variety of more recently-conceived initiatives that are available for our members to access and engage with throughout the year. In this latter vein, in the last year we launched our HR Division Webinar Series, which featured a Conference Reviewing Webinar and a Case Teaching Webinar. We look forward to adding to this collection with new webinars in the year ahead. Additionally, we are excited to continue with our Early Career Mentoring Program to support the development of our junior faculty members for the second year.

In January 2024, the fifth HR Division International Conference (HRIC) will be hosted by Otago Business School in Dunedin, New Zealand. Our HRICs provide a fantastic opportunity to connect, network, and share research outside the annual AOM meeting in August and outside the North American context. They represent an important initiative aligned with our commitment to embracing and investing in the global nature of our membership, which is supported more broadly by our Ambassadors Program, which currently involves ambassadors representing over 50 countries. 

I am honored to serve as the 2023-2024 Chair of the HR Division. If you are not yet a Division member, I invite you to join. If you are a member, I encourage you to find ways to engage with this wonderful community. Beyond the several opportunities outlined above, I hope you will consider submitting your work to the HR Division for the AOM meeting in Chicago in August 2024. Please also consider nominating yourself or someone you know for one of our many Division awards. For even greater involvement, you might consider running for a position on our Executive Committee in the spring. Finally, if you have thoughts or suggestions about how the HR Division might better serve your needs, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to continuing to strengthen our community in the year ahead!

Rebecca Kehoe, Division Chair


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  • Dear Colleagues, Please see the job summary below for our Assistant Professor ...

  • Session #135 PDW - Innovative and Experiential Approaches to Teaching HR (13035) ...