Posted May 27, 2021
2021 Research Methods Division Award Winners
The Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s awards. Congratulations to all the winners, and many thanks to all those that participated in this process!
Sage Publications/RMD Distinguished Career Award
Francis J. Yammarino, State University of New York at Binghamton
Sage Publications/RMD/CARMA/Lawrence R. James Early Career Award
John Busenbark, University of Notre Dame
Sage Publications/Robert McDonald Advancement of Organizational Research Methodology Award
“Best Practice Recommendations for Data Screening”
Justin A. DeSimone, University of Alabama
Peter D. Harms, University of Alabama
Alice J. DeSimone, University of Alabama
Sage Publications/RMD Best Paper Award
“Building Theories From Qualitative Interview Research: How Many Interviews Do I Need?”
Kasper Elmholdt, Aalborg University
Michael J. Gill, University of Oxford
Jeppe A. Nielsen, Aalborg University
SAGE/RMD Best Division Student Paper Award
“The Application of the Difference-in-Differences Model in Strategic Management Research”
Chi Hon (John) Li, Texas A&M University
Trevis S. Certo, Arizona State University
2021 Awards Committee Members
Dan Beal, Virginia Tech (voting member)
Dorothy Carter, University of Georgia (voting member)
Kevin Corley, Arizona State (voting member)
Jeremy Dawson, University of Sheffield (voting member)
Justin DeSimone, University of Alabama (voting member)
Aaron McKenny, Indiana University (voting member)
Timothy Quigley, University of Georgia (voting member)
Michael Withers, Texas A&M University (voting member)
Nikos Dimotakis, Oklahoma State University (chair, non-voting member)
Kris Byron, Georgia State University (ex-officio, program chair, non-voting member)
Individuals were removed from the voting process involving any awards with which they had a conflict of interest.