Organizers @Serge Da Motta Veiga (EDHEC Business School) and @Jos Akkermans (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) have compiled a panel of experts to discuss the future of working in this year's Careers Plenary: @David Collings (Trinity College Dublin), @Anthony Klotz (University College...
On August 7, 2017, at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon U.) delivered the Everett Cherrington Hughes Award speech. The Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship recognizes work that has made a significant contribution to the...
Ed talks about the career anchors built through years of work experience and how we come to define ourselves in relation to our work. Ed delves into types of career anchors (e.g., entrepreneurship, autonomy/independence) and his current and future work. #Careers #ResearchMethods ...
The Mid-Career Award is for a rising scholar whose independent contributions promise to have lasting impact on the careers field and in 2021 awarded to Shoshana Dobrow. In 2020, the award winners were Andreas Hirschi and Shoshana Dobrow. Watch Shasa's video for reflections on her research...
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Season 1, Episode 1: Marc-David Seidel Marc-David Seidel, Professor at the UBC Sauder School of Business in Vancouver, Canada In this episode, Marc-David Seidel talks about his interest in stand-up comedy, how his start-up may have been a unicorn, and questions about technology that he is...
Episode 1 (Seidel).mp3