2024 TIM Plenary
2024 TIM Distinguished Scholar
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Best Paper Award
Winner: “Finding Diamonds in the Rough: Data-Driven Opportunities and Pharmaceutical Innovation”, Matteo Tranchero (UC Berkeley)
Data-Driven Opportunities and Pharmaceutical Innovation”
Finalists: “Competing for Talent: Large Firms and Startup Growth”, by James Bessen (Boston U.), Felix Poege (Bocconi U.) & Ronja Röttger (BU); “Platform design change and user engagement: A natural experiment on Twitter”, by Chengdi Fa & Hakan Ozalp (U. of Amsterdam); “The Contribution of Individual Specific and Generic Experience to Improving AI’s Predictive Accuracy”, by Artyom Yepremyan,Francesco Castellaneta & Bruno Cirillo (SKEMA)
Sponsored by IESE Business School
Best Student Paper(s) Award
Winner: “Are firms stealing talents? The sorting of scientists between Industry and Academia”, Justine Boudou (Harvard U.)
Finalists: “Inventors’ Expected Rewards for Ownership Transfer of Their Ideas and Gender Effects on Creativity”, by Wei Wei (Imperial College), co-authored with Paola Criscuolo (Imperial College) & Bárbara Larrañeta (Pablo de Olavide U.); “Social Dynamics and Prediction Accuracy in Collective Decisions: Intuitive vs Scientific Approaches”, by Sebastian Niederberger (ETH Zurich)
Best Dissertation Award(s)
Winner: “Changing the system, not the seeker: Explaining how investment organizations can produce gender disparities in startup funding”, Amisha Miller (New York University)
Finalists: “Craft Knowledge and the Advancement of Science: The Role of Scientific Support Occupations in Shared R&D Facilities”, Danielle Bovenberg (Yale School of Management); “The Time it Takes”: Knowledge Search and Innovation Breakthroughs”, Giacomo Marchesini (Copenhagen Business School); “Essays on Innovation Commercialization”, Sukhun Kang (University of California, Santa Barbara); “The Transparency Dilemma: Competition, Innovation, and Organizational Performance with Corporate Transparency”, Xiaoli (Shirley) Tang (Bocconi University)
Sponsored by Lazaridis Institute
Emerging Scholar Award
Callen Anthony (New York University)
Distinguished Speaker
Daniel Levinthal (University of Pennsylvania)
Lifetime Achievement Award
Paula Stephan (Georgia State University)
Plenary Session
"Contrary Views on AI in Science and Innovation"
Moderation: Aija Leiponen (Cornell University). Panelists: Karim Lakhani (Harvard University), Kevin Boudreau (NortheasternUniversity), and Lynn Wu (University of Pennsylvania).
Sponsored by the Global Center for Technology Transfer.
Reception sponsored by Bayes Business School.
Program Chair
Susan K. Cohen (University of Pittsburgh)
Elko Klijn
Old Dominion U.
Yang Liu
U. of Southampton
Pietro G. Micheli
U. of Warwick
Lukas Vogelgsang
LMU Munich School of Management
Daniel Yue
Harvard Business School
Yuchen Zhang
Tulane U.
Forough Zarea Fazlelahi
Queensland U. of Technology
Joey Van Angeren
Vrije U. Amsterdam
Thomas Draschbacher
Graz U. of Technology
Jieqiong Cao
Singapore U. of Social Sciences
Tong He
Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool U.
Roger Jaeger
Federico Lanzalonga
U. of Turin
Biswaranjan Senapati
AACSB International
Mukhtar Abubakar Yusuf
John Carroll U.
Patel Gbedjemaiho
Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State U.
Arabella Pollack
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus U.
Paul A. Raddatz
U. of Memphis
Anna Moretti
Venice School of Management
Kaushik Bagchi
ESADE Business School
Shukhrat Nasirov
U. of Manchester
Wouter Beernaert
ETH Zurich
Katherine Wyers
U. of Oslo