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AOM PDW on Private Equity and Alternative Governance and Ownership

  • 1.  AOM PDW on Private Equity and Alternative Governance and Ownership

    Posted 07-17-2024 09:41

    Dear Colleagues, 

    Please join us for a PDW on private equity and alternative ownership and governance on Saturday, Aug. 10, 3-6PM in Sheraton Ballroom V

    We will have a panel of wonderful speakers, a social mixer, and a roundtable workshop. Attendance is open for the panel and the mixer, but pre-registration is requested for those wishing to participate in the roundtable workshop via email toaom.pe.pdw@gmail.com. Details below: 


    [AKA: The Eclipse of the Public Corporation, 2.0 – Through the Lens of Strategy]

    WHERE AND WHEN: Saturday, August 10, 2024 3:00-6:00PM at the Sheraton Grand Chicago in Sheraton Ballroom V (Session 447 in the AOM program)

    Panelists: Gautam Ahuja (Cornell), Francesco Castellaneta (SKEMA), Claudine Gartenberg (Wharton), Rosa Kim (Oklahoma State), Harbir Singh (Wharton), Margarethe Wiersema (UC Irvine), Todd Zenger (Utah), as well as additional academic guests and PE practitioners.

    Organizers: Vikas Aggarwal (INSEAD), Paul Nary (Wharton)

    Sponsoring divisions: STRTIM, ENT, OMT

    Building off the success of the inaugural PDW on this topic during the AOM 2023 in Boston, this AOM 2024 PDW will bring together a community of scholars interested in issues of strategy and organizations to better understand forms of ownership and governance under the umbrella of private equity and private capital. These forms represent either alternatives or challenges to public corporate ownership. While many of the prominent scholars studying this topic have been from the finance discipline, we feel that: (1) a strategy and organizations lens would be of unique value in understanding alternative ownership and governance forms as phenomena; (2) the emergence and continuing evolution of various ownership and governance forms such as PE, VC, SPACs, etc., bear important implications for firm strategies and outcomes; and (3) using these contexts for research can help us more deeply understand key questions related to corporate scope, firm capabilities, corporate governance, alliances, ecosystems, and so on. In our view, there can and should be significantly more work on these topics in the mainstream strategy, organizations, and management journals. This PDW will serve as a "primer" for scholars interested in using this industry as a context for strategy research. We will have a panel of both senior and junior scholars who can speak to potential research directions and current work in this area, and will include a set of roundtable discussions for scholars interested in doing research in this domain. The ultimate goal is to continue to develop a vibrant research community oriented around these issues following the highly successful inaugural session of this PDW at AOM 2023 in Boston.

    This PDW will consist of three components

    1.       Part I (3:00-4:20PM): Panel Presentations and Discussion (Open attendance)

    2.       Part II (4:20-4:40PM): Coffee Mixer and Socialization (Open attendance)

    3.       Part III (4:40-6:00PM): Roundtable Workshops and Community Development
    (Pre-registration preferred due to capacity constraints)

    If you have ideas or projects you'd like to discuss in our roundtable workshop (Part III), please send us an email indicating your interest, including short (2-3 sentences) description of your research to AOM.PE.PDW@GMAIL.COM by July 31, 2024

    Paul Nary
    Assistant Professor of Management (Strategy Area)

    Management Department
    The Wharton School
    University of Pennsylvania