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AOM DEI 2023 Conference Registration Waivers

  • 1.  AOM DEI 2023 Conference Registration Waivers

    Posted 03-15-2023 13:55

    We are looking forward to the 2023 Conference in Boston! To encourage participation in our program of sessions and activities, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) division will offer a limited number of conference registration waivers to potential attendees who might not otherwise attend, or for whom registration fees pose a barrier to participation. DEI members and prospective members (irrespective of whether or not they have a presentation (PDW, symposium, paper) at the Annual Meeting) should apply if you meet one of more of the following criteria.

    Waivers are intended for non AOM members, who otherwise would not attend the Annual Meeting. Waiver eligibility is temporarily expanded to include under-represented AOM members and those members facing financial hardship. The waiver is designed to accommodate these individuals with complimentary Annual Meeting Registration fee without membership requirement. Membership benefits are not included.  This will be a strictly first-come, first-served request, based on eligibility criteria below:

    1. Research interest in the DEI domain
    2. Will attend the conference in August 2023 (preference to those attending the DSC and/or presenting a paper)
    3. Belong to an underrepresented minority group, institution, or country
    4. Are a doctoral student (not required)
    5. Registration fees are a barrier to attendance

    Please submit your request via this form on or before May 15, 2023.

    Waheeda Lillevik
    The College of New Jersey
    Ewing NJ