
We invite you to browse the AOM DEI awards page. There are a total of ten awards. Award recipients are recognized and awarded for their achievements at the DEI Celebration of Success held at the annual AOM conference.

The DEI division program awards are based on accepted conference papers. Program chairs review and select papers for these awards. The DEI division awards are nominations based. We encourage you to read each award qualification description and consider applying for them yourself or nominate a colleague to receive recognition for their hard work. Nomination applications are thoroughly reviewed by our DEI Awards committee members. 

Awards by Year

DEI Division Program Awards


 Faculty Transnational Research Paper Award 
Sponsor: Emerald's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
Click here for a list of past award winners

Transnational research transcends or extends across national boundaries and explicitly recognizes the need to use a transnational perspective that integrates diversity, equity and inclusion across nation states. This award is given to the conference paper that best meets the objective of advancing our understanding of transnational diversity, equity and inclusion issues. At least one author must be a faculty member from a country outside the borders of the US.

Dorothy Harlow/McGraw Hill Best (Conference) Paper Award
Sponsor: McGraw-Hill Publishing
Click here for a list of past award winners

This award is given annually to author(s) of the best paper submitted to the Annual Academy of Management Meeting, this award honors the late Dr. Dorothy Harlow, who pioneered the effort to establish the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Division as an Interest Group of the Academy of Management. Dr. Harlow’s dedication to the organizing efforts and advancement of professional women will be etched in gold as this award is given annually.

Best Student Paper Award
Sponsor: Emerald's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
This award is given to a doctoral student author for the best conference paper submitted to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Division.

Best Paper Based on a Dissertation Award
Sponsor: Sage Publications
Click here for a list of past award winners

This award is given to a student author of the best paper based on a dissertation completed between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year. Papers considered for the dissertation must be sole-authored. The title page should indicate the paper is based on a dissertation and give the date of the dissertation defense. 

DEI & Entrepreneurship Awards
Sponsor: Kauffman Foundation
Click here for a list of past award winners

There are two awards, one given to the best student paper and one to the best paper for innovative research on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion questions related to entrepreneurship.

DEI Division Awards


Advancing Women in Leadership Award
Sponsor: Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership
Nominations are currently open. 
If you have any questions, please reach out the Committee Chair: Kayla Follmer (
Click here for a list of past award winners and nomination guidelines for submission

This award is given to a scholar who has made significant contribution to advancing women in leadership. Criteria for the award: 1) impact or significance of intellectual contributions on educational practices that support the advancement of women in leadership, 2) the breadth or overall scope of the nominee’s work with respect to her/his/their contribution to such educational practices, 3) demonstration of an understanding of the specific benefits of education for women for their empowerment and leadership, and 4) the breadth and depth of educational practices that support the advancement of women in leadership. Self-nominations are allowed. The award, which includes $500 sponsored by Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership, is presented at the Academy of Management meeting.

Janet Chusmir Distinguished Service Award
Sponsor: Sage Publications
Nominations are currently open.
If you have any questions, please reach out the Committee Chair: Eddy Ng ( 
Click here for a list of past award winners and nomination guidelines for submission 

This award is presented to the nominee who has made an outstanding contribution to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Division and who has personally served as a mentor and role model for others in the field (previously: personally provided support for women in the field). Criteria for the award: Contributions include professional service to the division, work for the advancement of the status and role of professional women and people of color in the Academy, and/or in organizations. 

Saroj Parasuraman Outstanding Publication Award
Sponsor: Greenleaf Publishing
Nominations are currently open.
If you have any questions, please reach out the Committee Chair: Katina Sawyer (
Click here for a list of past award winners and nomination guidelines for submission.

This award is presented annually by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Division to the individual or individuals who published the best journal article in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion in the calendar year preceding the award. The intent of the award is to highlight scholarly activity in the field of DEI and to encourage further scholarly activity within our field.

Sage Award for Scholarly Contributions to Management
Sponsor: Sage Publications
Nominations are currently open.
If you have any questions, please reach out the Committee Chair: Kristen Burton (
Click here for a list of past award winners and nomination guidelines for submission.

This award is presented annually to a nominee who has made outstanding scholarly contributions to the field. Sponsored by Sage Publishers, this award recognizes a present or past member of the division who has made significant contributions that have advanced our knowledge of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Scholarly contributions include the creation and dissemination of new knowledge in the form of empirical, theoretical, or applied developments. This award is given for an accumulated body of work.