Dear DEI Student Members!
Hello, we are looking for Ph.D. students to join the Executive Committee of the DEI division. Student representatives are essential to provide input and voice on student perspectives regarding divisional discussions, decisions, and programming. As a student representative, you will:
- learn more about the activities of the DEI Division,
- serve as ambassadors for the DEI division, and
- network and socialize with DEI Division colleagues from across the globe.
We are accepting nominations for student representatives to serve on the DEI Division Executive Committee. We will be selecting 2 new students to begin in August 2023.
Faculty are encouraged to nominate interested Ph.D. students from your programs. Students are also encouraged to self-nominate, but you will also need a letter of support from your professor.
Nomination process (please submit):
- a one-page letter outlining qualifications and interest for the position, and
- a letter of recommendation from a faculty member (does not have to be from the same institution) who is a DEI member
Deadline for nominations: Monday, July 31, 2023
Got Questions?
Please email Rachel Hahn ( or Farnaz Ghaedipour (
Rachel Hahn
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI