*** Apologies for Cross-Postings***
The Network of Leadership Scholars (NLS) is pleased to announce the calls for nominations for the following awards across all career stages:
Eligibility criteria, the application process, and award committee members for each award are provided in the attached documents and on the NLS website: https://nls.aom.org/leadership-awards/.
Nominations and supporting materials should be emailed to networkleadershipscholars@gmail.com no later than March 15, 2024. Winners will be notified by June 1, 2024 and awards conferred at the 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
As previously announced, the call for nominations for the FIU Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Dissertation Award may be found here: https://lead.fiu.edu/award
Brett Neely
Assistant Professor
U. of Nebraska, Lincoln
Lincoln NE