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CfP EDI-Conference Stream 14 "Disability and the modern workplace"

  • 1.  CfP EDI-Conference Stream 14 "Disability and the modern workplace"

    Posted 03-29-2023 09:04

    Hi everyone,

    We would like to inform you about our stream at this year's EDI conference in London (July 10th to 11th).

    We are chairing a stream on "Disability and the modern workplace: New ways of inclusion or exclusion" (stream 14). We cordially invite scholar to submit their work dealing with e.g., the following topics:

    • What role does disability type play by leveraging opportunities or exacerbating challenges for persons with disabilities in modern workplaces?
    • How and to what extent can inclusive practices help making new ways of working an asset for persons with disabilities rather than a hindrance?
    • What is the potential of digital transformation in erecting or obliterating disability barriers in modern workplaces?
    • How do new technologies help or hinder persons with disabilities in organisations?
    • How are identity management and sense-making of persons with disabilities affected, changed, and transformed by new ways of working?
    • How does disability intersect with other marginalized groups in modern workplaces?
    • How are common tropes like the 'ideal worker' or 'the disabled' being challenged and what new tropes, which shape workplace practices, processes, and structures, emerge in modern workplaces?

    We accept conceptual, qualitative, quantitative, and review papers. Submissions may be in the form of long abstracts or full papers. Submission deadline is 24th April:

    Here are all relevant links on the EDI's website:

    EDI CfP: EDI (edi-conference.org)

    EDI streams: EDI Conference 2023, City, University of London (edi-conference.org)

    Our stream description (PDF): 1249_Stream 14-proposal_Disability-Modern-Work_EDI23.pdf (edi-conference.org)

    How to submit (PDF): Microsoft Word - Steps for Submitting a Paper.docx (edi-conference.org)

    We are looking forward to your submission!

    Kindest regards,

    Stephan Böhm, Christoph Breier & Adrienne Colella

    Stephan Boehm
    University of St. Gallen
    St. Gallen