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DEI Job Market Candidate Submission

  • 1.  DEI Job Market Candidate Submission

    Posted 14 days ago
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    Greetings DEI community,

    We are happy to share that we are creating a DEI Job Market Candidate Newsletter! For doctoral students on the job market, we invite you to submit your bio and photo (optional) for the job market newsletter. Please complete submission form attached by July 7. The job market newsletter will be distributed to the DEI, HR, and OB division communities on Connect@AOM prior to the AOM annual meeting. This will be the 7th year that we've offered this newsletter, and we have received an overwhelmingly positive response in the past. A number of graduating candidates have received requests for interviews as a result of this extra visibility! For questions, please email Darryl Rice at ricedb@miamioh.edu with the subject line: DEI job market newsletter.

    Darryl Rice
    Assistant Professor
    Miami University
    Oxford OH
    (513) 529-3784
