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Join us for PDW: 94: Innovative Strategies to Unmask and Eliminate White Delusion in the Organization (10684)

  • 1.  Join us for PDW: 94: Innovative Strategies to Unmask and Eliminate White Delusion in the Organization (10684)

    Posted 21 days ago

    Please join us for our PDW: 94: Innovative Strategies to Unmask and Eliminate White Delusion in the Organization (10684). Please RSVP so we can get a count of attendees to s0m76756@marymount.edu . Hope to see you at the conference.

    Event Details: Friday, August 9th from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Central Time at the Hyatt, in room Michigan 1A.

    Participants/Presenters: Stacey L. Morin, Marymount University Doctoral Candidate, Jennifer R. Bishop PhD Adjunct from Marymount University, Sherida Haughton, Marymount University Doctoral Candidate, Larry Clay, PhD Professor from Marymount University, and Eric Jones, Marymount University Doctoral Candidate.

    The PDW illustrates the need for corporations to apply strategies for unmasking and eliminating white delusion in the organization by innovating for the future with policy and purpose. The PDW explores the phenomenon of white delusion, a term coined by the author, Stacey Morin, which signifies a lack of awareness and denial of systemic racial disparities in marginalized communities (Morin, 2023a). This research critically examines white delusion within organizational settings, seeking to unravel its complexities and understand its impediments to progress toward a more inclusive and equitable culture. The unique contribution lies in Morin's, Haughton's, and Bishop's conceptualization of white delusion, leading to the development of the Unmasking White Delusion: DEI Model (Morin, 2023b). Grounded in the framework of critical race theory (CRT), this model explores the denial, evaluation, and implementation phases to address and eliminate white delusion within organizations. The innovation of this research lies in its comprehensive examination of manifestations of white delusion, encompassing biases, stereotypes, and systemic issues, thereby contributing to the ongoing discourse on diversity and inclusion and filling a knowledge gap. The PDW provides proactive measures and strategies for effectively addressing and eliminating white delusion and tangible actions across the three distinct phases. Below is the peer-reviewed journal article on this topic which is open access. #AOM2024 #DEI


    Thank you,

    Stacey L. Morin, Doctoral Candidate and Dr. Jennifer R. Bishop, PhD

    Stacey Morin
    Marymount University Doctorate Bus Admin Student
    Encino CA