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Join us for the next HIBAR Research Alliance webinar on June 10

  • 1.  Join us for the next HIBAR Research Alliance webinar on June 10

    Posted 06-03-2024 16:27

    Sent to HIBAR Research Alliance mailing list subscribers


    Understanding chemical exposure to improve community health

    Detecting environmental contaminants within the Yurok Tribal Community

    Monday, June 10, 2024

    11am-noon PT (2-3pm ET)

    All are welcome - please feel free to share this event notice.

    REGISTER HERE https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KPGIY29lSC-rrJTPT4QfoQ#/registration

    Recent increases in adverse health conditions among Yurok Tribal members living on the Yurok reservation in northwestern California have intensified concern among tribal members that contaminants from nearby forestry and agriculture activities may be a causative factor.

    Research collaborators from the Yurok Tribe Environmental Department and the University of California Davis launched a co-led project to better understand this exposure risk. In this study, the team uses silicone wristbands to collect data on personal chemical exposures of tribal members, in order to identify potential differences in the level and type of contaminant exposures by gender, location of residence, season, and life activities. It is anticipated that data on contaminant exposure from the wristbands may correlate with contaminant detections in soil and water, thus creating a more complete dataset on environmental contaminants and pathways of exposure.

    In this webinar, project co-leaders Joe Hostler and Beth Rose Middleton will describe how this project was initiated, the steps that were taken to develop shared leadership, and how the new understanding generated by the work will inform policies and thereby reduce detrimental health impacts, for the benefit of current and future generations of tribal members.

    Webinar speakers:

    Beth Rose Middleton

    University of California Davis

    Joe Hostler

    Yurok Tribe Environmental Department

    Beth Rose Middleton is a Professor of Native American Studies at UC Davis. Her research centers on Native environmental policy and Native activism for site protection using conservation tools. Her broader research interests include environmental and climate justice, fire policy, intergenerational trauma and healing, Native land stewardship, rural environmental justice, Indigenous analysis of climate change, Afro-indigeneity, and qualitative GIS.

    Joe Hostler is an Environmental Scientist with the Yurok Tribe Environmental Department, located along the lower Klamath River in northwest California. He is a Traditional Cultural Practitioner and an Indigenous Scientist who utilizes Western Science with Traditional Ecological Knowledge to help protect the health of the people, plants, animals, and environment for the benefit of current and future generations.

    For more information about the HIBAR Research Alliance, visit www.hibar-research.org.

    HIBAR Research Alliance

    6224 Agricultural Road

    Vancouver, British Columbia | V6T 1Z1 | Canada


    Ke Cao
    Assistant Professor
    Wilfrid Laurier University
    Waterloo ON