Constitution Companion Document

Constitution Companion Document

Elected Officers and Appointed Officers Duties and Responsibilities

This document sets out the duties and responsibilities of the elected and appointed officers to the Management Consulting Division (MCD) Division Board. This document is a separate but companion document to the MCD Division Constitution.

The duties and responsibilities outlined in this document are subject to change by the MCD Board as outlined in Article IX of the MCD Division Constitution. 


Elected Roles:

  • ·       Division Chair
  • ·       Program Chair
  • ·       PDW Chair
  • ·       Immediate Division Past Chair
  • ·       Representatives-At-Large (7)

Appointed Roles

  • ·       Division Secretary
  • ·       Division Treasurer
  • ·       Division Historian/Archivist
  • ·       Doctoral Consortium Coordinator
  • ·       Scholar-in-Residence
  • ·       Practitioner/Consultant-in-Residence
  • ·       Membership Engagement & Outreach Coordinator


Division Chair:

  • ·       Serve as chair of the Board and the Executive Committee.
  • ·       Preside over the annual Business Meeting of the Division at the Annual Meeting and present a report on the status of the Division at that meeting.
  • ·       Plan and chair Board and Executive Committee meetings in conjunction with, and independent of, the Annual Meeting.
  • ·       Oversee the expenditures of the Division's budget and be accountable to the membership for adequately managing all Divisional expenses and activities.
  • ·       Coordinate the non-annual meeting activities of the Division and facilitate and direct the implementation of the strategic planning priorities identified by the Board.
  • ·       Coordinate sponsorships and fundraising opportunities.
  • ·       Each year, identify those individuals due to be recognized by the Division for services rendered as an elected or appointed officer, subject to the relevant criteria.
  • ·       Work with all Board members to maintain relationships with partner Academy of Management divisions and other external organizations.
  • ·       Manage the process of amending the MCD Division Constitution and this companion document by Article IX of said Constitution.

Program Chair

  • ·       Recruit a Program Committee (as needed) to assist in planning and developing the program for the Annual Meeting.
  • ·       Coordinate the selection of the Division’s paper and reviewer award winners at the Annual Meeting.
  • ·       Plan and schedule the MCD Division Social Hour and other meetings at the Annual Meeting as necessary.
  • ·       Recruit the Distinguished Speaker(s) for the Annual Meeting, with the final selection of the recipient approved by a vote of the Executive Committee.
  • ·       Develop and implement evaluation methods for the Annual Meeting.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.
  • ·       Act for the Division Chair in the Chair’s absence or disability.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.

PDW Chair

  • ·       Support the Program Chair with the papers and symposia review process.
  • ·       Coordinate all submissions and inquiries related to Professional Development Workshops
  • ·       Coordinate with the Doctoral Consortium Coordinator the scheduling of the Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortia.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.

Immediate Division Past Chair

  • ·       Serve as consultant to the Division, specifically to the Division Chair and the Leadership Committee.
  • ·       Serve as liaison between the Board and the Legacy Committee Chair/Leadership.
  • ·       Serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee to elect new officers and serve as the Election Officer for the Division.

General Representatives-at-Large (7)  

  • ·       Serve as liaisons with the proprietary consulting community and the Division’s Committees.
  • ·       Assist with the planning and implementing divisional and joint divisional activities during their term in office.
  • ·       Act as a liaison with counterparts in other divisions and coordinate MCD Division volunteers recruited to assist in these events.
  • ·       Act as a conduit for communication with Division members by gathering news on and of interest to members for inclusion in all Division communications.
  • ·       Ensure the orientation of individual new members of the Board.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.


Division Secretary

  • ·       Responsible for sending out notices of Executive Committee and Board meetings.
  • ·       Responsibility for keeping records of regular meetings of the Board and the Division’s Annual Business Meeting.
  • ·       Ensure that the general membership of the Division has access to the minutes of the meetings.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.

Division Treasurer

  • ·       Be responsible for all aspects of the Division’s finances and compliance with Academy of Management financial guidelines.
  • ·       Forecast and monitor Division expenses to align with the Division’s allocated funding.
  • ·       Update the Division’s Executive Committee and the Board on the status of the Division’s finances.
  • ·       Generate invoices and requests for funds to facilitate the flow of funds into and out of the Division’s financial accounts.
  • ·       Collect and maintain the historical and current financial records of the Division.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.

Division Historian/Archivist

  • ·       Maintain a list of all past Division award winners.
  • ·       Maintain minutes from Division Board Meetings.
  • ·       Maintain results of Division Board elections.
  • ·       Maintain program and PDW submission and acceptance numbers from Annual Meetings.
  • ·       Maintain documents summarizing ideas generate at the Business Meetings of the Division at Annual Meetings.
  • ·       Maintain reports of Division activities between Annual Meetings.
  • ·       Maintain Five Year Reports of the Division, including survey results and responses from the Academy of Management office.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.

 Doctoral Consortium Coordinator

  • ·       Act as a liaison for communication with Division student members by gathering news on and of interest to student members for inclusion in all Division communications.
  • ·       Assist the Division PDW Chair and Program Chair with the Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortia.
  • ·       Act as a liaison between the Division and the Doctoral Students’ Advisors at different institutions.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.


  • ·       Act as a conduit for communication with Division members focusing on research, teaching, and scholarship.
  • ·       Coordinate the Learning Labs.
  • ·       Assist the Division in focusing management consulting scholarship for discoveries and disseminating new knowledge in consulting.
  • ·       Assist the Program Chair, PDW Chair, and the Doctoral Consortium Coordinator with developing and selecting scholarly sessions and PDWs at the Annual Meeting.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.


  • ·       Act as a conduit for communication with Division Executive/Practitioner members by gathering news on and of interest to executive/practitioner members for inclusion in Division communications.
  • ·       Assist the Program Chair and PDW Chair with the development and selection of scholarly sessions and PDWs at the Annual Meeting that address the interests of executive/practitioner members.
  • ·       Serve as liaison between the Division and other professional practitioner organizations.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.

Division Engagement and Outreach Coordinator

  • ·       In coordination with the Division Marketing and Communications Committee, communicate with all new members, welcoming them to the Division.
  • ·       Organize events and processes for introducing new members to the Annual Meeting and the general membership.
  • ·       Gather communications from each officer for inclusion in the Division’s membership engagement and outreach communications.
  • ·       Be responsible to respond promptly to inquiries from members and non-members alike.
  • ·       Assume any other responsibilities requested (by the Division Chair and Board) and agreed to.