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Upcoming Management Consulting Learning Lab

  • 1.  Upcoming Management Consulting Learning Lab

    Posted 10-17-2022 12:19

    Life After Achieving a Non-traditional Doctorate


    During this MC Division Learning Lab mid-career professionals who achieved a non-traditional doctorate in the fields of management, organizational development, and organizational learning share how achieving a doctorate at a mid-career stage in their lives transformed their careers. If you are a doctoral student, considering a doctoral degree, or already have a doctoral degree, you'll find the stories of these professionals absorbing, and you may gain insights into your own personal and career situation.


    Join us on Wednesday, November 16th at 11am ET.





    Dr. David B. Szabla


    Interim Chair, Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

    College of Education and Human Development

    Western Michigan University 


    Associate Professor

    Organizational Change Leadership

    Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

    College of Education and Human Development

    Western Michigan University 

    1903 W. Michigan Avenue

    Kalamazoo, MI 49008



    MA in Organizational Change Leadership -https://wmich.edu/leadership/academics/organizational-change-leadership Click to follow link.">https://wmich.edu/leadership/academics/organizational-change-leadership


    PhD-EHD in Organizational Change Leadership - https://wmich.edu/leadership/academics/organizational-change-leadership/ocl-phd Click to follow link.">https://wmich.edu/leadership/academics/organizational-change-leadership/ocl-phd


    Scholar in Residence, Management Consulting Division, The Academy of Management - https://connect.aom.org/mc/home Click to follow link.">https://connect.aom.org/mc/home


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/organizational-change-leadership/?viewAsMember=true