
Last First Term Specialized Role Affiliation
Reuer Jeffrey 09-13 Past Division Chair Purdue U.
Agarwal Rajshree 10-14 Division Chair U. of Maryland
Holmes Michael 11-13 Communications Director Florida State U.
Zott Chris 11-15 Division Chair Elect IESE Business School
Gambardella Alfonso 12-16 Program Chair Bocconi U.
Drnevich Paul 13-15 Treasurer U. of Alabama
Silverman Brian 13-17 Assistant Program Chair U. of Toronto
Executive Committee        
Ganco Martin 13-15 U. of Minnesota
Kapoor Rahul 13-15 U. of Pennsylvania
Perkins Susan 13-15 Northwestern U.
Wadhwa Anu 13-15 EPFL
Williams Charles 13-15 Bocconi U.
Wu Brian 13-15 U. of Michigan
Fabrizio Kira 12-14 Boston U.
Fosfuri Andrea 12-14 U. Carlos III de Madrid
Graebner Melissa 12-14 Doctoral Consortium (13-14) U. of Texas
Parmigiani Anne 12-14 U. of Oregon
Shah Sonali 12-14 Doctoral Consortium (14-15) U. of Washington
Valentini Giovanni 12-14   Bocconi U.
Teaching Committee        
Chen Weiru 13-15 CEIBS
Roach Michael 13-15 U. of North Carolina
Gomez Jaime 12-14 Universidad de La Rioja
Moliterno Tom 12-14   U. of Massachusetts - Amherst
Global Representatives        
Gnan Luca 12-14 Europe U. of Rome - Tor Vergata
Mostafa Romel 12-14 North Am U. of Western Ontario
Bagire Vincent 13-15 Africa Makere U. Business School
Etiennot Hernan 13-15 Latin Am IAE School of Business
Koesoema Allya 13-15 Oceania U. of New South Wales
Yang Haibin 13-15 SE Asia City U. of Hong Kong
Research Committee        
Di Stefano Giada 13-15 HEC Paris
Eesley Chuck 13-15 Stanford U.
Giarratana Marco 13-15 Bocconi U.
Mullotte Louis 13-15 Tilburg
Obloj Tomasz 13-15 HEC Paris
Polidoro Francisco 13-15 U. of Texas
Rawley Evan 13-15 Columbia U.
Sarkar MB 13-15 Temple U.
Sauermann Henry 13-15 Georgia Ins. of Technology
Seamans Rob 13-15 New York U.
Conti Raffaele 13-14 Substitute Catolica Lisbon
Croson David 12-14 Southern Methodist U.
Elfenbein Dan 12-14 Washington U.
Frankort Hans 12-14 Cass Business School
Joseph John 12-14 Duke U.
Kaul Aseem 12-14 U. of Minnesota
Kretschmer Tobias 12-14 Munich School of Management
Somaya Deepak 12-14 U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stoelhorst Jan-Willem 12-14 U. of Amsterdam
Zhang Yan 12-14   Rice U.
Awards Committee        
Arora Ashish 13-15 Duke U.
Chacar Aya 13-15 Florida International U.
Posen Hart 13-15 Dissertation Consortium (13-14) U. of Wisconsin
Lee Peggy 12-14 Arizona State U.
Schilling Melissa 12-14 New York U.
Zbaracki Mark 12-14   U. of Western Ontario
Other Consortium/Workshop Leaders    
Furman Jeff Junior Faculty (13-14) Boston U.
Hillman Amy Mid Career (13-14) Arizona State U
King Adelaide Mid Career (14-15) U. of Virginia
Luo Rose Dissertation Consortium (14-15) INSEAD
Younge Ken Managing Your Dissertation (14) Purdue U.
Ziedonis Rosemarie    Junior Faculty (14-15) U. of Oregon