It’s Not Too Late to Do Something Fun in Class!
Updated Strategy Teaching Tools Website
Please check out the new tools, experimental exercises and videos at:
You can filter by type of tool (exercise, video, etc.) using the tabs at the top or you can filter by topic in a strategy course (5 forces, RBV, global, etc.) using the categories on the right side. There is also a search function. You should find something useful in no time at all.
Please help make the site more useful:
- Comment on tools you have used in class (adding tips, etc.)
- Submit new tools so the resource is always growing
- Let Russ Coff know if you have any questions or suggestions
Be sure to check out the most popular post this week – David Kryscynski’s Learn Strategy Videos! After that, here are links to a few recently added exercises and resources that you might find especially useful:
- Strategic Management of Job Interviews. This new exercise helps you make the point to students that strategic analysis can help them get a job. For any case, have them develop questions for a recruiter that convey a deep understanding of the company and its strategy. You can find more materials on experiential exercises by filtering on that topic.
- Secret Ingredient: Scorpion venom. The resource based view focuses on the firm’s “secret sauce” – a resource that rivals would like to get but can’t. This commercial focuses on rumors about what the secret ingredient might be and may be useful for seeding such a discussion. You can find more videos by filtering on videos.
- Stuck in the Middle Blues. Samsung’s profits are down by a whopping 25% and they put the blame firmly on Chinese competitors entering with cheaper smartphones. Pressure on Samsung to respond with lower prices? Perhaps but Apple continues to compete very effectively at the high end. Other cases can be found by filtering on cases.
The FAQ shows you how to download and convert videos so they can be inserted into PowerPoint presentations.