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2023 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition Finalists

  • 1.  2023 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition Finalists

    Posted 08-28-2023 16:24

    I am pleased to announce the finalists for the 2023 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition. There were over 100 submissions, with many innovative and high-quality proposals submitted. Before revealing the eight finalists, I would like to take a moment to sincerely thank the over 180 scholars who generously volunteered their time to provide reviews of the candidate proposals. This competition would be nothing without them, and I am grateful to them for their willingness to provide thoughtful and timely feedback.

    The eight individuals below will be presenting their dissertation proposals to a distinguished panel of judges who will select the winner and runner-up for this year's competition. If you know any of the finalists, please offer them your congratulations on a significant accomplishment.


    The finalists are (in alphabetical order of their last name):


    Daphne Baldassari (University of Toronto)

    From Talk to Action: Strategic Responses to Structural Interventions for Workplace Equity 

    Solomiya Draga (University of Toronto)

    Navigating Relationship Boundaries with Clients in the Social Service Sector 

    Dilan Eren (Boston University)

    The Self-Taught Economy: Open-Access and Inclusion in the U.S. Tech Industry 

    Chelsea Lide (Stanford University)

    Second-Order Prejudice: How, When, and Why Our Beliefs About Others' Biases Perpetuate Discrimination in Organizations 

    James Mellody (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

    Organizational Success and Cultural Diversity in the Attention Economy 

    Jean Oh (Columbia University)

    The Effects of Social Class Origins on Entrepreneurship 

    Eileen Suh (Boston University)

    When the Job that Fits is Feminine: How Men's-More Than Women's-Responses to Gendered Associations Entrench Occupational Segregation 

    Matteo Tranchero (UC Berkeley)

    The Role of Data in the Search for Innovation: Essays on Big Data Genomics 


    Summer Jackson

    INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Competition Chair, 2023

    Summer Jackson
    Assistant Professor
    Boston MA