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Applied Psychology: An International Review, Review Issue

  • 1.  Applied Psychology: An International Review, Review Issue

    Posted 11-16-2023 16:34
    We are delighted to announce a call for papers for our inaugural review issue that will be published annually in Applied Psychology: An International Review. The first of these review issues will be published in 2024. We welcome theoretical, methodological and/or integrative reviews on any topic relevant to the readership of the journal. All topics in the field of applied psychology for which there is a sufficient base of research to review are eligible for submission to the yearly review. Review articles should aim to extend our thinking and to shape the direction of future research in a field. Such reviews may simplify, map, integrate, and/or redirect important streams of applied psychological research.
    We invite both quantitative (e.g., meta-analysis, bibliographic analysis) and qualitative reviews (e.g., systematic reviews, integrative reviews) of a topic. Such reviews should not just summarize but provide insights that will stimulate future research on the topic of interest. Reviews can be submitted at any time, with accepted papers being published in the next review issue. Submissions should be in the form of full papers rather than short proposals.
    Please reach out with any questions to the review issue editors: Allan Lee (allan.lee@exeter.ac.uk) and Amy Tian (amy.tian@curtin.edu.au)
    Alex Newman and Serge Da Motta Veiga (Co-Editors in Chief)

    Alexander Newman
    Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne
    East Caulfield VIC