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MSR Special Issue: Leadership, Organization and Management for the Flourishing of Life, Work and Society

  • 1.  MSR Special Issue: Leadership, Organization and Management for the Flourishing of Life, Work and Society

    Posted 12-17-2024 18:22
    Hello DEI Community - I am excited to share a call for submissions to the JMSR special issue: Leadership, Organization and Management for the Flourishing of Life, Work and Society. 

    Today's world faces profound challenges - ranging from environmental crises to social inequality - that call for a shift in how we approach management and leadership (Laszlo et al., 2020). Traditional business approaches focused on profit and material success are inadequate for addressing the complex needs of our interconnected world (Ahmad, 2024; Ghoshal, 2005; Lips-Wiersma & Nilakant, 2008). This Special Issue invites contribution to explore a holistic business approach that integrates spiritual capital with traditional forms of capital. The goals is to shift to purpose-led, for-profit business institutions that foster the well-being of life, work, society, humanity and the environment. 

    Submission Date: 31 May 2025

    For more information, please reach out to any of the guest editors (copied above):  
    • Tom Culham, Simon Fraser University (Canada) 
    • Peter McGhee, Aukland university of Technology (New Zealand) 
    • Stacie Chappell, Stacie Chappell Consulting (Canada) 
    Be well, 

    Stacie Chappell Consulting 
    522 Rothdale Road, 
    Ladysmith, BC
    V9G 1W5 

    I acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional territory I live and work and whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. I acknowledge the historical impacts of colonization and associated attitudes and policies that continue to impact Indigenous Peoples. I commit to speaking up if I hear racist comments and stepping forward if I witness racist acts.