Sponsored by Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 
The OB Division's Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes senior scholars who have contributed to our discipline throughout their careers. The 2018 recipient of this award is Teresa Amabile!
Teresa is the Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, Harvard University. As the Award Committee and Nominators aptly noted:
“To a great degree, Teresa Amabile can be considered to have “created” the field of creativity within organizations as we know it today, providing both the fundamental theoretical foundations, and the rigorous approach to measurement, that have guided creativity research for over 30 years. Her work has shown how creativity is a central element of human experience, and also an important driver of effectiveness in organizational contexts. Her record displays a remarkable range of methods and settings, from deductive laboratory studies to inductive work conducted in organizations. Although her own contributions are remarkable, it is clear that Prof. Amabile has also facilitated and inspired the work of many other scholars, providing an intellectual framework that has allowed for progress in many other areas by emphasizing creativity as a common concern. Beyond her contributions to scientific knowledge, what is particularly inspiring is her dedication to doctoral students and young scholars. Her record is overflowing with accounts of her selfless approach, and the passion, confidence, and inspiration that she instills in young scholars. Teresa exemplifies the type of scholar this award is meant to recognize, as her lifetime scholarship in the field of OB is a genuine achievement worth rewarding.”
Congratulations to Teresa! Also, many thanks to the award committee: Don Ferrin (Chair), Kevin Corley, and Gerardo Okhuysen.
Photos from the award ceremony