
At the Academy of Management OB Division, we advance the development of scholars and scholarship within the content domain of organizational behavior. We strive to positively influence management, thought, and practice

Statement From the Division Chair

Welcome to the Organizational Behavior (OB) Division of the Academy of Management. We are a vibrant community of scholars, teachers, consultants, practitioners, and graduate students from over 60 countries around the world. Our 6,000+ members seek to advance the development of scholars and scholarship within the OB domain, are devoted to understanding individuals and groups in an organizational context, and engage in research, teaching, and consulting that improves the workplace, organizational functioning, and management practice.

Programming sponsored and developed by the OB Division is focused on three priorities: rigor, relevance, and relationships.

  • We promote and encourage rigorous scholarship, teaching, and consulting that relies on valid evidence and the highest quality scientific research.
  • We encourage scholarship that is relevant, practical, and in pursuit of answers to the most challenging questions about the workplace.
  • We strive to develop a collaborative, supportive, and inclusive community of scholars, teachers, consultants, and practitioners.

Upcoming Events

This workshop aims to support the socialization of doctoral students and enhance their knowledge about the job market. The first half of the workshop provides tips and best practices from professors who have served on multiple hiring committees. The second half features reflections and advice from professors who have recently navigated the job market.

This one-hour session organized by the Global Committee of the OB division provides some tips and tricks on planning and preparing for the annual meeting, as well as on how to successfully navigate the meeting once you are there.

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    We greatly appreciate the support of the OB Division Sponsors
    Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior | Antwerp Management School | Group & Organization Management (Sage) | Journal of Management | Journal of Organizational Behavior (Wiley-Blackwell) | Mercer Workforce Sciences Institute | People Innovation Lab, Google | Sage Publications | Stanford University Press