Call for Award Nomination

Call For OB Division Awards Nomination

The Division celebrates many awards at the Annual Meeting. Among these are the following awards given for submissions to the conference.
  1. , recognizing the best overall paper (may be co-authored); sponsored by Sage on behalf of Group & Organization Management
  2. , given to the best paper based on a doctoral dissertation completed within the past three years (must be sole-authored; sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Journal of Organizational Behavior)
  3. , for the best paper in which a student was in the lead role (a student must be the sole or first-author)
  4. , for the paper with the most significant managerial implications (may be co-authored; sponsored by the Mercer Workforce Sciences Institute)
  5. , recognizing the paper whose theme and content best reflects an awareness of business and management across national boundaries (may be co-authored)
  6. , given to the symposium on the Academy program that best exemplifies interesting, important, and high-impact research
  7.  given to the paper with the most significant implications for entrepreneurship scholarship (sponsored by the Kaufmann Foundation)
  8. , given to the paper in which a student was in the lead role (a student must be the first or sole author), and that has the most significant implications for entrepreneurship scholarship (sponsored by the Kaufmann Foundation)

Please note
: To be considered for any of the following awards, you could select the appropriate orientation when you submit your paper in the online Submission Center, as follows:

  1. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2023 Best Dissertation-Based Paper Award, select "Newman Award Nominee"
  2. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2023 Most Innovative Student Paper Award, select "Student Paper"
  3. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2023 Most Outstanding Practical Implications for Management Award, select "Practice"
  4. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2023 Best Paper with International Implications Award, select "International"
  5. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2023 Best Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications, select "Entrepreneurship"
  6. For the OB Division 2023 AOM Meeting Best Student Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications Award, select "Kauffman student paper"

Visit the  for additional information about the Division, criteria for these awards, or past winners.