
  • Preparing for the OB Job Market: Advice from Experts & Reflections from Recent Grads

    Friday, June 14, 2024, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT

    See what time that is in your time zone here

    This workshop aims to support the socialization of doctoral students and enhance their knowledge about the job market. The first half of the workshop provides tips and best practices from professors who have served on multiple hiring committees. The second half features reflections and advice from professors who have recently navigated the job market.

  • Newly elected officers

    We are pleased to announce the results of the 2024 election. This year, we had a participation rate of 19.78%, with 1,233 votes cast out of 6,232 eligible voters.
    Marie S. Mitchell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been elected as the new OB Division Program Chair Elect.
    The following individuals who have been elected as Representatives at Large:
    • Marjo-Riitta Diehl, Aalto University School of Business
    • Andreas Richter, University of Cambridge
    • Kira Schabram, University of Washington
    We are thrilled to see increased global representation on our committee, with half of our winners coming from outside North America.
    We would like to express our gratitude to all the candidates who were willing to have their names placed on the ballot and for their willingness to serve our community. Additionally, we thank all the members who participated in this democratic process and exercised their right to vote.
  • Doctoral consortium nominations

    We are seeking nominations for the 2024 AOM OB Doctoral Student Consortium. The consortium will take place in person at the Annual AOM conference. It is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024, from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM local time. The Organizational Behavior Doctoral Consortium is designed for students who are in the final year of their doctoral program (i.e., students who will be on the job market in fall 2024 and who have made significant progress on their dissertation/thesis research). Therefore, priority will be given to students who have made the most progress toward completing their Ph.D. program (e.g., defended a dissertation proposal, completed data collection), but who have not yet defended their dissertation.  

    The consortium includes a mix of presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions designed to launch doctoral students into their academic careers. Faculty presentations, interactive panels with journal editors, and roundtable sessions include topics such as crafting the right academic job, acing the job talk, succeeding in research and publishing from the perspective of a panel of editors, and starting or participating in effective and inclusive collaborations. More than 50 faculty members have volunteered to speak and/or host roundtable discussions.

    Nomination Requirements: The completed nomination should be submitted by the nominating department/school/advisor, via the survey below.  Only nominations submitted via this survey will be considered. There is no formal restriction on the number of students a program may submit. However, we request that programs only nominate students who meet the selection criteria (e.g., only nominate students who are in the final year of their doctoral program, as opposed to early-stage students who would be better served in a future year).  In the case of space limitations, admission decisions will be made based on demonstrated progress toward the applicant's dissertation and broader research portfolio.

    The following information must be provided:

    • The nominee's one-page vita/bio in PDF format (longer documents may be rejected). Please name the file with the nominee's last name followed by ShortCV (e.g., SmithShortCV.pdf). 
    • The nominee's one-page summary of dissertation/thesis research in PDF format (title and abstract is fine; longer summaries may be rejected). Please name the file with the nominee's last name followed by Research (e.g., SmithResearch.pdf). 
    • Advisor/program chair endorsement. 

    Nominations will only be accepted via the following Qualtrics survey:

    Nomination deadline: Friday, April 26, 2024 (11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time).

    For questions, please contact Margaret Luciano at or Shannon Taylor at

    We look forward to welcoming you to the OB Doctoral Consortium at AOM!

    Margaret Luciano and Shannon Taylor

    OB Division Representatives-at-Large

  • 🌟 Mid-Career Design & Development: What's Next? 🌟

    Are you a mid-career faculty member who has achieved tenure? Congratulations! Now it's time to think about what comes next in your professional journey.

    Join an interactive workshop led by Rena Seltzer from Leader Academic, along with Professors Cecily Cooper and Sreedhari Desai. Together, they will guide you through journaling exercises and small group discussions to help you clarify your academic identity, mission, and vision.

    Here are some questions they'll explore:

    🔹 How will you focus your research moving forward?
    🔹 Are there new areas you want to explore now that you have increased freedom?
    🔹 Do you aspire to leadership roles or want to remain a researcher primarily?
    🔹 Are you satisfied with publishing in academic venues or do you want to reach a broader audience?
    🔹 How will you focus your service work?

    Don't miss this opportunity to reflect on your goals and find the support you need to achieve them. Space is limited, so sign up now!

  • Workshop : Tools for Becoming a Prolific Writer

    Learning to establish effective and productive writing habits is a common struggle for many academics. In this series on tools for prolific writing, we invite you to hear from leading scholars on the methods they have used to become productive writers and scholars.

    We invite you to join us Friday, January 26th at 12pm EST for this hour-long session. Scholars at all career points (PhD students, junior faculty, senior faculty, instructors) are encouraged to participate and see the benefits of establishing and participating in writing groups.

    See what time that is in your time zone

  • Become an OB Reviewer Hero (for AOM Submissions)

    🌟 Dear OB Division Colleagues, 🌟


    Reflecting on our AOM submission history, the OB Division has embraced a critical goal: to enlist 1,500 members as reviewers by January 15 for the upcoming Annual Academy of Management Conference. This goal is not only ambitious but also rooted in realism.


    Currently, we stand at about a third of our goal. This is where we need your help!  By stepping up as an OB Reviewer, you join the ranks of those committed to elevating our division. Your contribution as a reviewer will be instrumental in achieving this critical objective, directly benefiting our OB Division.


    🔗 To become a champion as an OB Division Program Reviewer, please visit:


    Thank you for your commitment and support of the OB Division, and 🎉 Happy New Year!


    Gilad Chen, 2024 OB Division Program Chair

    Keith Leavitt, 2024 OB Division Symposium Chair

  • OB Division Highlight - U.S. Business Schools’ Talent Pipeline Problem

    Over time, the missing population in the faculty ranks could well be professors from America, which will lose an edge in the research and teaching of best business practices, writes Jennifer Nahrgang.

  • 1. AOM - OB Division - Submit your best work and sign up as a reviewer for the AOM Conference 2024

    Dear OB Division members:

    The OB Division Call for Submissions for the 2024 Academy of Management Conference is now posted:

    Please submit your work to the OB Division, and also sign up to become an OB Division Program Reviewer:

    The OB Division has a goal of recruiting 1,500 reviewers by early January, 2024 -- please help us reach this important goal!

    Thank you,

    Gilad Chen, 2024 OB Division Program Chair
    Keith Leavitt, 2024 OB Division Symposium Chair


  • Call for nominations

    Please take a moment to nominate a deserving member of our division for one of the following career awards!
    Please complete this form to nominate someone for one of these prestigious awards. Nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award are due by Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 11:59PM EST. Nominations for the other three awards are due by Tuesday, February 20, 2023 at 11:59pm EST.
  • AOM Submission Incubator for Early-Stage Researchers

    Are you ready for the annual Academy of Management conference? Peer reviews and constructive feedback from colleagues are key to advancing our academic work, especially in the early stages of our careers. For non-native English scholars, peer reviews can also help in avoiding common pitfalls related to writing in a second language.

    In this developmental Incubator, the Global Committee of the Organizational Behavior Division will offer friendly reviews and support to help you develop your paper or symposium for a successful submission to the AoM conference in Chicago in 2024 ( Additionally, this is a prime opportunity to expand your global networks!

    The Incubator is tailored mainly for doctoral students, post-docs, and early-stage researchers outside North America who are non-native English speakers. We’ve chosen a time to accommodate as many global time zones as possible. We will accept up to 25 paper and/or symposium proposals for this Incubator. The proposals will be discussed in small breakout rooms of 3-5 participants, with one or more facilitators from the Global Committee of the OB Division.

    Interested? Here’s How to Proceed:

    Submit your draft paper (or symposium) on any OB topic, “as is” by Sunday, November 12, 12 noon (CET). Submission portal:

    1. Clearly state specific questions or issues you would like feedback on (e.g., methodology, use of English, writing style, structure & content).
    2. Add a brief bio (up to 100 words) with your submission, including name, contact information, affiliation, current role or position, and research interests.
    3. That’s it!

    What else should I know?

    • Preference will be given to junior scholars.
    • Ideally, paper and symposium proposals should be in advanced stages but not yet complete (e.g., minimum 20 pages, drafts of each section completed; empirical papers should have initial data analyses done).
    • Submissions should conform to the AOM submission style (Submitting to the Annual Meeting, link:
    • Membership in AOM or the OB Division is not required for this Incubator.
    • Notification of acceptance and further procedures for the Incubator will be communicated soon after submissions close.
    • Breakout rooms will be organized to group thematically and methodologically similar submissions, facilitating fruitful discussions.
  • Burnout and Work-Life Enrichment Conversation Series

    Learning to manage and find meaning in work and life outside of work continues to be one of the biggest struggles for academics, especially as we are often dealing with internal tensions that lead us to believe that our work and personal identities are incompatible with one another. In this one-hour conversation series, we invite you to hear from leading scholars in the field about their personal journeys in finding work-life enrichment and ways to make academic careers even more fulfilling.

    Join us for a conversation series where we explore meaning and work-life enrichment. The second of this three-part conversation series will feature Dr. Sue Ashford and Dr. Jane Dutton as they discuss how they have crafted a career rich in personal meaning – both in terms of their scholarly contributions to the field as well as the manner in which they have navigated through work and non-work life in a purposeful and fulfilling way.  

    We invite you to invest an hour of your Friday morning on November 17th (10 am CST) to reflect on your own burnout and work-life enrichment and gain tools to better manage your work-life dynamic.

  • OB Division Lifetime Achievement Award

    Come join Sue Ashford and John Hollenbeck as they receive the Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Life Achievement Award in an interactive and competitive format the likes of which has never been done before. Former AOM President, James P. Walsh, will moderate the event and these two esteemed presenters will bring a combined 80 years of experience in the field of Organizational Behavior to the conversation.

  • OB Division Awards Ceremony and Social

    Enjoy complimentary hors d'oeuvres and find out who won the coveted "Obies" this year! Awards will be given both for career achievements and best conference sessions.

    Saturday August 05, 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM, Republic AB Combined, Sheraton

  • PDW-Human Sustainability: Tying Together Related Streams of Research and Mapping a Path Forward

    Researchers are exploring how to sustain human capital in order to accomplish work. This workshop brings together scientists and participants to discuss how to integrate research streams into a framework and create more effective and impactful scholarship, teaching, practice, and administration. Join the conversation and learn how to advance understanding, dissemination, and application of knowledge related to human sustainability.

  • PDW-Speaking Science

    It's time to get our voices out! Let's join together to learn the necessary skills to effectively communicate science to broader audiences. The popular "Speaking Science" PDW is returning to the Academy of Management conference for its second year. Through interactive activities, discussion, and advice from renowned experts, we will explore best practices for communicating science effectively and developing the confidence to share our research. Don't miss your chance to join us and build your science communication skills. Registration is limited to 100 participants, so sign up now to secure your spot! Register here

  • PDW-New to OB? Navigating the OB Division and AOM

    If you joined the Organizational Behavior (OB) division within the last three years and want to learn more about the OB division and starting out in the field of OB, then this forum is for you! This PDW was created to answer your questions about the “essentials” of the AOM conference, the OB division, and the field of OB. The session is organized around a panel discussion between established members of the OB division and new OB members like yourself. The PDW will include a welcome and overview of the OB Division, a networking ice breaker, and a panel discussion prompted by questions from participants. As a participant in the forum, you can ask questions of your choice.

  • OB Division Coffee Breaks

    Meet and greet with the OB division leadership for a morning coffee!

    Days: Friday, 4 August through Tuesday, 8 August
    Time: 7:30AM – 9AM


  • 2023 Mid-Career Workshop

    What is the purpose?

    The workshop will provide a forum for attendees to connect with senior Faculty Fellows about navigating challenges and opportunities at the mid-career stage.

    What is the format?

    First, the Faculty Fellows will participate in panel discussions regarding issues relevant to attendees. Second, after the panel discussions, there will be small group breakouts, which will offer a forum to connect more personally with Faculty Fellows and to talk about issues of interest.

    Who are the Faculty Fellows?

    We have a group of ten senior faculty members who will speak about their career experiences:

    ·       Kris Byron, Georgia State University 

    ·       Deanne den Hartog, University of Amsterdam

    ·       Maryam Kouchaki, Northwestern University

    ·       Glen Kreiner, University of Utah

    ·       Audrey Korsgaard, University of South Carolina

    ·       Carol Kulik, University of South Australia

    ·       Cindy Muir, University of Notre Dame

    ·       Andreas Richter, University of Cambridge

    ·       Terri Scandura, University of Miami

    ·       Maurice Schweitzer, University of Pennsylvania

    Who can attend?

    This workshop is designed for faculty members who consider themselves to be mid-career. This generally includes scholars who have earned tenure but are not yet a full professor (i.e., are at the associate-level) or the equivalent if working in a non-tenure granting institution. You should also be a member of the Organizational Behavior Division and must be registered for the AOM conference.

  • The Integration of Organizational Behavior & Artificial Intelligence

    The integration of organizational behavior (OB) and artificial intelligence (AI) will be featured during the OB Division’s Plenary session at the 2023 annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Expert panelists will present examples of how AI has influenced research designs, access to and analysis of data, and fundamental research questions in the OB domain. The session will also include small group discussions of how AI will affect scholarly research, journal publications, pedagogy, student assignments, teaching, and consulting. The session will conclude with a description of opportunities and risks associated with the integration of OB and AI.

  • Thinking of a Position Outside the US and Europe? “Dos and Don’ts” of International Business Schools

    This PDW will offer insight on academic careers at business schools outside of North America/Europe, with panelists from Australia, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Learn about the job application process, tenure, contracts, cultural & professional conduct, and more!

  • PDW-The Art of Writing and Publishing for Non-Native English Scholars

    Academic success is tied to English linguistic competence, making it a challenge for non-native English scholars. Join us for a PDW to discuss the experiences and tips for improving academic writing in English from a diverse panel of experienced and well-published management scholars.

  • PDW-Making the Most of It: Being Successful in a Post-Doc and Beyond

    This PDW provides an essential opportunity for PhD students to learn about post-doc positions and how to be successful in them. Current post-docs will also benefit by connecting with a diverse range of academic scholars.
  • PDW-Finding a Job in Europe

    This PDW offers tips on pursuing a European academic career and navigating recruiting & selection processes, cultures & languages. Panelists share their experiences with applications & profile-building, followed by roundtable discussions & Q&A.
  • PDW-Enduring through Gender Biases in Academia: Understanding Experiences, Challenges, and Solutions

    This PDW seeks to shed light on the challenges that female scholars face in the field of organizational sciences and provide solutions to help them overcome barriers. Invite a male ally to attend the workshop with you and help create a more equitable field!

  • PDW-Shaping the Research Agenda on the Future of Work

    Explore the future of work with us! Join a panel of scholarly experts & practitioners at this PDW to shape a research agenda & create solutions to positively shape the world of work. Submit questions & register for themed discussion sessions via

  • PDW-Innovations in Teaching Teamwork

    Learn the latest tools & techniques to teach teams how to effectively lead at the virtual Innovations in Teaching Teamwork PDW. Panelists & attendees will gain actionable strategies to apply in their teaching.

  • PDW-The Annual Behavioral Ethics Pecha Kucha Springboard and Networking Session

    At this year's PDW, scholars will present research on topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, and discuss how they connect to behavioral ethics research. Join the discussion and network with experts on these topics by registering here:

  • PDW-Publishing in HBR, SMR, CMR, PSJ, & I by IMD to Impact Workers

    Research studies have the potential to make a difference in scholars' communities and beyond. This PDW focuses on how researchers can increase their impact on practice by publishing in journals that bridge the gap between academia and the "real world."

  • PDW-Hatching New Ideas Through Conversation: A Research Incubator on Positive Relationships at Work

    Join us for a PDW to help facilitate the growth of positive relationships at work scholarship & build a community of scholars passionate about it! Submit a brief synopsis of your project or idea by June 30th to

  • PDW-Global Research Collaboration

    This PDW will provide global & early career management scholars with the skills to initiate, organize, and maintain global research collaborations to meet societal grand challenges.

  • PDW-OB Division Junior Faculty Workshop

    Annually, the OB Junior Faculty Workshop provides an opportunity for junior faculty members to network and receive career insight from senior Faculty Fellows. Registration is limited to 70 participants, and the registration deadline is Wednesday June 29th. Here is the link to register:

  • PDW-Rise and Shine! How to Present Your Academic Research

    This PDW focuses on the importance of presenting academic research in the best way possible. Presenters will discuss content & design, presenter skills, & the context in which the presentation takes place. Participants will gain hands-on experience in applying their new knowledge & develop presentations tailored to their own discipline & style.

  • PDW-Halfway There, But Now What? Advice for Pre-Dissertation Doctoral Students (15th Annual)

    The AoM Annual Meeting is a great opportunity for doctoral students to learn and develop. The OB division hosts two consortia for new and advanced doctoral students, plus the “Halfway There” PDW to help bridge the gap. Here, faculty will provide students with advice on topics like launching their dissertation, crafting research projects, and understanding the job market.

  • PDW-Getting Your Writing Done: Crafting a Generative Writing Practice

    Learn strategies to become a more productive academic writer at this interactive PDW facilitated by a coach & successful professors. Pre-register now:

  • PDW-How to Succeed in the PhD Admissions Process

    This PDW will provide advice & info on how to navigate the PhD admissions process & find the program that will help applicants achieve their career goals. Current PhD coordinators, faculty, & students will provide presentations, panel discussions, & round tables.

  • PDW-For the Love of Leadership: Leadership Doctoral Student Consortium

    This is an opportunity for doctoral students to connect with the leadership micro-community and learn from junior & senior scholars through the Leadership Doctoral Student Consortium. Learn more about developing your leadership scholar brand, multilevel methods, & more! Contact for registration info.

  • PDW-OB Division Research Incubator

    The OB Research Incubator pairs participants with renowned scholars to help refine and publish research ideas. Apply now for the opportunity to connect with OB experts and scholars who share similar interests.

  • PDW-Behind the Publication: Insights from the Publication Process

    Learn the secrets behind academic publishing from experienced scholars & get valuable insights! The Behind the Publication PDW aims to equip early career academics w/the knowledge & skills to navigate the publication process & feel less alone in their journey.

  • PDW-Adventure Awaits... Let's Speed Network

    This PDW puts academics in the center and gives them time and space for intentional and meaningful networking. Through speed networking, participants will connect with members who share similar/differing research/teaching interests or personal interests outside of work. This session requires pre-registration and is limited to 60 attendees. To register, please fill out the form below: Please email and if you have any questions or want to withdraw your participation.

  • PDW-The Productivity Process: Research Tips and Strategies from Prolific Junior Faculty

    This PDW helps junior faculty learn how to be productive in their research. It uses peer junior faculty members with established track records to discuss their work habits and how they manage their work/family balance. Organized by the OB Division’s Making Connections Committee, this PDW will benefit junior faculty in their research productivity.