
Executive Committee


 Fleur Deken
 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
 Role Description The Chair shall serve as the chief executive officer for the Interest Group and be responsible for the conduct of the interest group’s activities in a manner that will assure the accomplishment of the Interest Group’s objectives, subject to (a) the Constitution, Bylaws and professional division policies of the Academy of Management, (b) the Constitution and Bylaws of the Interest Group, (c) the concurrence of the Steering Committee in matters of policy. S/he should chair all steering committee meetings and chair all Interest Group meetings (the Chair has the discretion to delegate this responsibility to the Chair–Elect). The Chair should also present a report on the status and progress of the Interest Group at its annual business meeting, and will automatically become Immediate Past Chair after completing one year of office.


Matthias Wenzel
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Role Description The Chair-Elect shall succeed the current Interest Group Chair at the termination of the Chair’s year in office, act for the Chair in case of the Chair’s absence or disability, and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Bylaws.

Outgoing Chair

ImageHandler.ashx?id=79690 Eric Knight 
Macquarie University
Role Description The Outgoing Chair shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee, conduct the elections, and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Bylaws.

Program Chair

  Krista Pettit
  Ivey Business School
  Role Description The Program Chair shall act as Program Chair for the Annual Meeting according to the procedures outlined by the Academy of Management program process and assisted by a Program Committee appointed by and reporting to the Program Chair. S/he should also encourage symposia and other program events that involve development of group members, and collaboration with other Divisions, international scholars and practitioners. The Program Chair automatically succeeds to the position of Chair-elect and performs other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Bylaws, or by the Program Chair of the Academy of Management.

PDW Chair

  Martin Friesl
  Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
  Role Description The PDW Chair shall:
  1. Arrange and administer annual workshops to be held immediately after or before the annual meeting according to Interest Group and Academy of Management procedures assisted by a PDW Committee appointed by and reporting to the PDW Chair, if possible
  2. Encourage program activities that involve development of Interest Group members and collaboration with other Divisions, international scholars, and practitioners. The emphasis in the development of the PDW program is on presenting high quality activities that are aimed at both professional development and the creation of networking opportunities. This may be combined with collaboration with other Divisions and international scholars/practitioners
  3. Report to and co-ordinate with the Interest Group Program Chair
  4. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair, the Interest Group Program Chair or the Academy of Management PDW Chair or Program Chair.

Membership Chair

Lorenzo Skade
European University Viadrina
Role Description The Membership Chair shall:
  1. Be responsible for the Interest Group’s membership communications, including the Newsletter
  2. Be jointly responsible with the Chair for membership liaison and campaigns
  3. Coordinate with the Chair the membership and recruitment activities of Representatives–at-Large
  4. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Bylaws.


Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel
University of Zurich
Role Description The Secretary shall:
  1. Take minutes of the Interest Group meetings and Executive Committee meetings and report these minutes to Interest Group members
  2. Be responsible for maintenance of Interest Group files and records
  3. Be responsible for the Interest Group’s web-presence and listserv, in collaboration with others as designated
  4. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Bylaws.


Mustafa Kavas
Sheffield University
Role Description The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintenance of all Interest Group financial records in co-ordination with Academy of Management Financial staff. In addition to the Interest Group Chair, be eligible to approve and to sign for disbursement of Interest Group funds. S/he also provides a report of Interest Group finances for the steering committee meetings and the annual meeting of the group, and performs other duties as assigned by the Chair or the Bylaws.


Role Description Representatives-at-large are elected to represent members and support the Executive Officers in their roles.
Kathrin Sele
Aalto University
myphoto.jpgCarola Wolf
University of Liverpool

01_Renzl_01.jpg?__scale=w:220,h:220,cx:118,cy:26,cw:507,ch:507 Fannie Couture 
 HEC Montreal

  Susan Hilbolling 
 Aarhus University

Data Analytics Officer

Stefanie Habersang
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Role Description 1. Create, maintain, and archive various SAP-related datasets, including: - Aggregate current membership overviews for the Business Meeting. - Individual-level past and current membership overviews for trend analyses. - Academy Annual Meeting program and participant information for program design and thematic analysis - Ad hoc analysis as required for the SAP strategy 2. Manage the SAP Dropbox - Ensure relevant files are saved and up-to-date - Provide access to new officers 3. Work with SAP Officers and volunteers to ensure SAP activities are GDPR-compliant

Extended Officer Team

Chair of the Social Media Committee

Reischauer.jpgGeorg Reischauer
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business & Johannes Kepler University Linz
Role Description This person manages, coordinates, develops, and initiates the social-media activities within the committee. Furthermore, the chair participates in the regular SAP membership calls.

Members of the Social Media Committee

Role Description These people perform the social-media activities according to the specific needs of the SAP IG.
Christian Mahringer
University of Stuttgart
Milena Leybold
University of Innsbruck
Anna Plotnikova
VU Amsterdam

Community Building Committee

Qian Li
University of Dundee

Renate Kratochvil
BI Norwegian Business School

Sell.jpgKatelynn Sell
Louisiana State University

Elisa Lehrer
European University Viadrina

Sell.jpgJuliane Möllmann
Aarhus University

Early-Career Program (ECP) Committee

Ashley Hockensmith
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Daniel Gäckle
University of Stuttgart

Jennifer Sloan
University of Alberta

Verena Timmer
Witten/Herdecke University

Advisory Group

Role Description The task of the Advisory Group is to advise on maintaining and building connections with the wider SAP field and research agenda. The term of an Advisory Group member is three years and new members are chosen yearly by the Executive Committee.

Julia Balogun
University of Liverpool

Laamanen.jpgTomi Laamanen
University of St. Gallen

Saku Mantere
McGill University

David Seidl
University of Zurich

Richard Whittington
University of Oxford