The Best Practice Oriented Paper Award was last awarded in 2022.
Thomas Greckhamer, Katelynn M Sell
Louisiana State University; West Texas A&M University
Collective Strategy, Industry Legitimation, and Discourse: Institutional Work of Trade Associations
Vikas N. Prabhu
Indian Institute of Management
Enacted Clock-Time: How Temporal Agency Structures Strategic Activity
Kate Booth, Layla Branicki, Richard Badham
Macquarie University
Mindful Ambidexterity: An Ethnographic Study of How Managers Navigate Exploitation and Exploration

Madalina Pop and Ingo Kleindienst
Aarhus University
Spaces and Strategy Work in Inter-organizational Collaborations

Anu Kajamaa and Juha Tuunainen
University of Helsinki; University of Oulu
Distributed Leadership As A Discursive Practice

Gary Thomas Burke and Carola Wolf
Aston University
All or Nothing? Strategizing Practices and Outcomes in Strategy Tool Development Processes

Chanchai Tangpong, Derek Lehmberg, and Zonghui Li
North Dakota State University
New CEOs in Turnaround Situations: What to Do or Not to Do in their First Year