In the webinar series, leading SAP scholars introduce SAP newcomers to the foundations of SAP research and provide more advanced participants with added clarity around core issues related to strategizing activities and practices, allowing for hands-on learning. Several past webinars can be watched on YouTube - just click on the title of a talk.
Karin Berglund, David Oliver
Julia Hautz, Boukje Cnossen
Martha Feldman, Rangapriya (Priya) Kanna
Madalina Pop, Sarah Stanske, and Tania Räcke
Vern Glaser, Luciana D'Adderio
Matthias Wenzel, Katrina Pritchard, Rebecca Whiting
Webinar "Digital Strategizing & SAP Research"
Georg Reischauer, Giulia Solinas, Christina Wawarta
Webinar "Processes and practices of digital strategizing: Perspectives and avenues for future research" at AOM 2020
Paul Spee
Leonhard Dobusch
Paula Jarzabkowski
Richard Whittington
David Seidl