Dear Members of IM
Edward Elgar generously provides free access over the next few weeks to interviews with leading female pioneers of Cross-Cultural Management, who have significantly shaped the field.
Barmeyer, C. & Ruesga Rath, C. (2024) Key Questions and Inspiring Answers in Cross-Cultural Management. Conversations with Leading Women Scholars. Edward Elgar.
The very touching interview "A Conversation with Nakiye Boyacigiller" is currently available, chapter 4 of the above-mentioned book. You can access her chapter with the following link:
Nakiye´s chapter shows the importance of intercultural understanding in a more fragmented world as she writes:
„I've studied and taught about culture and interculturality, a topic I've been fascinated with my entire life, to the benefit of my students and others. I've made lifelong friends due to my career and am richer for it. However, it saddens me to see the lack of intercultural understanding worldwide and to realize our profession has not done enough to impact education programs. I don't know what it would look like, but I'd love to see cross-cultural education efforts starting at the earliest possible stage, such as in middle school, to be taught as an essential life skill."
Enjoy the reading and if you are touched by Nakiye´s chapter, who can no longer speak and write due to her medical condition (MSA), are invited to write her a message.
Sonja Sackmann