1. Welcome and Introduction
IM Division Chair Katherine Xin welcomed all members participating in person or online, and presented the agenda for the meeting.
2. Housekeeping
The Division Chair asked to check the 2021 Meeting Minutes, which have been placed on the IM Division website. The Division Chair asked for approval of the minutes of 2021 business meeting. The motion was passed by acclamation.
3. Appreciation for IM Service
The Division Chair expressed his appreciation to the EC and especially singled out PDW Chair Nandini Lahiri, Program Chair Grazia Santangelo, Treasurer Malika Richards, and the new Communications OfficerAntonina Bauman. He also thanked the IM Division Committee Chairs and other members for their service to the division. These included acknowledgements to Davina E. Vora (Dissertation), Randi Lunnan (Research), Carl Fey (Teaching), Jaeyong Song (Professional Achievement Awards), Denise Dunlap (Scholarship and Engagement), Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro and Alex Settles (Membership Drive), Jason Sigler and RanySalvodi (Doctoral Student), and Sali Li (Online Research Resources).
She also thanked allmembers of thecommitteesworking within the IM Division.
4. Staying in Touch with the IM Division
The Division Chair noted that there are several ways to keep in touch with the Division, includingFacebook, LinkedIn (for doctoral students), the IM Division webpage, the IM Division Newsletter, and Connect@AOM. These are all maintained by the Communications Committee, Antonina Bauman (Chair), Dennys Eduardo Rossetto (webmaster), Sahrok Kim (Facebook Group Manager), Charles Wankel (Connect@AOM), and Rimi Zakaria (Photography Manager).
5. Sponsor Recognition
Division Chair, Katherine Xin, thanked the division sponsors for their significant contributions to the division’s awards. She named specifically AmorePacific, CEIBS, Florida International University, George Washington University CIBER, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hyundai Motor, Northeastern University D’Amore-McKim School of Business, and the University of South Carolina for their support of various awards.
She moreover announced that the University of South Carolina (UofSC) agreed to sponsor the IM Division Douglas Nigh Award starting from 2022. The new name of the award will be the IM Division UofSC-Douglas Nigh Best Paper in Multidisciplinary Research award.
6. Treasurer’s Report 2020-2021
IM Division Treasurer, Malika Richards, summarized the financial situation of the division. She reported that the slight decline in membership had been stabilized; membership of 1964 as of June 2022; down from 1974 in July 2021.
Sponsors pledged a total of $ 43,000 in 2022, up from 26,000 in 2021. Major contributors were Amorepacific, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ. CIBER, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hyundai Motor Corp., and Northeastern Univ.
In January 2023, there will no financial allocation from the AoM; however due to saving during the years of no in-person conference we have sufficient buffer to manage the situation.
Malika Richards She provided a financial summary for 2022, compared to prior year balance:
Balance Forward
Division Allocation + Base
Revenue Received
(as of June 7, 2022)
Total Expenses
Operating Funds 01/01
Operating Funds 12/31
She referred members to the AoM IM website for a detailed report.
7. PDW Chair Report
PDW Chair Nandini Lahiri thanked all those who contributed to the PDW program. She noted that we had 20 PDWs that had their primary sponsorship from the IM Division, of which 16 focused on research and 4 on teaching. In addition, the IM Division co-sponsored another 38 PDWs organized by other divisions.
She recognized PDW drivers, starting with the organizers of the two well-received consortia – Anna Lamin and Mirko Benischke (Doctoral), Elizabeth Rose and Irinia Surdu (Junior Faculty) – noting that the quality of the panels in the consortium was remarkable. And last but not least, she thanked Srividya Jandhyala and Markus Taussig for arranging the Paper Development Workshop, along with Ilya Cuypers for his work with the Meet the Editors session. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who proposed PDW sessions and implemented them.
8. Program Chair Report
Program Chair Grazia Santangelo reported on the IM Division Program. She thanked all the submitters for helping to make the program a great success. She reported 384 paper submissions in 2022 (vs. 438 in 2020 & 239 in 2021) and 22 symposia submissions (vs. 30 in 2020 & 15 in 2021).
She thanked all of the reviewers. In total 392 reviewers from 49 countries supported the assessment of the paper; on average papers received 2.49 reviews.
Grazia Santangelo added her special thanks to all the reviewers, and called on everyone to volunteer to review next year.
The program featured 250 Divisional papers in 78 sessions, plus 22 IM-led symposia and two showcase symposia. The program structure reverted back to the familiar in person format, with a mix of in-person, hybrid and virtual sessions. The consortia were held on Sunday. In addition, there was a new plenary highlighting Professional Achievement Award Winners. In preparation for the conference, Program Chair Grazia Santangelo and PDW Chair Nandini Lahiri organized webinar cafes as an overview of the program.
The Thought Leadership Café was hosted by Klaus Meyer and Rosalie Tung in a hybrid format. A second Thought Leadership Cafe was organized by Alex Settles on the Ukrainian crisis. Showcase symposiums included “Value Creation and Appropriation in the Post-Pandemic Era” and “Researching National Innovation Ecosystems: Institutions, Infrastructure, and Firms”.
Grazia Santangelo started by thanking Randi Lunnan and her team for the work they did reviewing all the shortlisted papers and selecting the winners.
For the HKUST Best Paper in Global Strategy Award, the finalists were:
- Re-internationalization and Firm’s Post-re-entry Performance: The Role of International Heritage, by Arash Sadeghi, U. of Leicester, Jun Du, Aston Business School, Mustapha Douch, University of Edinburgh Business School, and Stephen Roper, Enterprise Research Centre, WBS
- Divestiture of Foreign Subsidiaries for Deletion and Recombination: A Reconfiguration Viewpoint, by Toshimitsu Ueta, Copenhagen Business School, Naoki Yasuda, Rikkyo University.
- Foreign Firms’ Outsiderness, Status, and Cross-border Tie Formation through Local Intermediaries, by Tae-Seok Kim, Emory U., Goizueta Business School and Eunjung Hyun, Hongik University College of Business
- Organizational Field Positions and Institutional Change: Evidence from MNCs in an Emerging Market, by Dimitri Jacob, Newcastle University Business School.
The winners were: Toshimitsu Ueta and Naoki Yasuda.
For the Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award, the finalists were:
- Japanese Women Pursuing a Career at Foreign Subsidiaries: A Question of Identity, by Markus Pudelko, U. of Tuebingen and Helene Tenzer, LMU Munich School of Management.
- Migrants, Expatriates, and Nationals: How Do They Acculturate in a Cosmopolitan Organization? By Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics and Mai Al-Naemi, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University.
- The Relationship Between Personality and Cultural Values among Workers in Global
Virtual Teams, by Madelynn Stackhouse, Marketa Rickley, Yonghong Liu, and Vas Taras, University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
- Addressing the Dark Side of Cultural Intelligence: A Conceptual Model and Research, by Marius Brand, WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Christopher Schlaegel, Ottovon Guericke U. Magdeburg, and Guenter Stahl, WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business.
The winners were Markus Pudelko and Helene Tenzer. Remarkably, they also won the award last year. Special congratulations from the minute taker.
For the GWU-CIBER Emerging Markets Award, the finalists were:
- Highlighting Asymmetries: Re-Examining the Firm-Level Impacts of Pro-Market Reforms in Latin America, by Bruno Buscariolli, FGV EAESP Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, Elizabeth Moore, Northeastern University and Luis Dau, Northeastern University.
- Environmental Stringency and Green Innovation Spillovers to Emerging Market Industries, by Roisin Donnelly, Tilburg University.
- Cross-Border M&As and Green Innovation among Emerging Market Multinationals: Evidence from China, by Xiaoting Hu, Beijing Information Science and Technology, Wenjing Lyu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Huanyong Ji, Beijing Information Science and Technology
- Chinese Multinationals and the Politics of Internationalisation, by Maria Altamira, ESIC Business and Marketing School and Gaston Fornes, University of Bristol
The winner was Roisin Donelly.
For the Best Paper in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Award, the finalists were:
- Risky Reputations: The Role of CSI in Cross-Border Acquisitions, by Tsvetomira Bilgili, Kansas State University, Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron, Erin Makarius, University of Akron, and Holly Loncarich, Kansas State University.
- Smart Disclosure: An Enabler for Multinationals to Promote Suppliers’ Human
Rights Commitments, by Stephanie L. Wang, Yejee Lee, and Dan Li, Indiana University, Bloomington
- NGOs as Multinationals’ Value Creation Partners for Sustainability in EmergingMarkets, by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University, Ivan Montiel, Baruch College, CUNY, and Junghoon Park, Baruch College & The Graduate Center, CUNY.
- Developing Conflict: Elite Bias in the Stakeholder Networks of World Bank projects, by Rachel Pacheco and Witold Jerzy Henisz, University of Pennsylvania.
The winners were Tsvetomira Bilgili, Debmalya Mukherjee, Erin Makarius, and Holly Loncarich.
For the Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Award, the finalists were:
- Governance Stickiness: Understanding Governance Designs in Emerging Economies, by Ryan Federo, U. de les Illes Balears and Tobias Parente, ESEG
- The Traveling Headquarters: The New Phenomenon of Temporary Headquarters Relocations, by Jan Schmitt, Amsterdam Business School, U. of Amsterdam.
- Home is where my Friends are: Legitimation of the Location for Corporate Headquarters, by Marleen Wierenga, Nijmegen School of Management, Olga Lavrusheva, Aalto University, School of Business, Iiris Saittakari, Aalto University, School of Business and Perttu Kahari, Aalto University, School of Business.
- Cross-Country Variations in Sovereign Wealth Funds’ Characteristics, by Grosman Anna, Loughborough University.
The winner was Jan Schmitt.
For IM Division Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy, the finalists were:
- Ballot Boost or Bust? Abnormal Returns during US Presidential Elections, by Evelyn Reithofer, Jakob Müllner, and Jonas Puck, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.
- What’s in a Name? CEO Foreignness and Government Inspections of MNCs, by Yulia Maratova, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, and Liudmyla Svystunova, Loughborough University,
- Policy Risk and Policy Uncertainty in U.S. Antitrust Enforcement and the Deterrenceof inward FDI, by Nan Zhang, California State University Stanislaus and Joseph Clougherty, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Overcoming institutional voids: International Institutions and the Investment Climate, by Si Cheng and Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC Business School.
The winners were: Yulia Maratova and Liudmyla Svystunova.
For the Douglas Nigh Award, the finalists were:
- International Entrepreneurial Aspiration and Internationalisation Speed in an Emerging Economy, by Michael Gyensare, Edith Cowan University, Nadia Zahoor, University of Strathclyde and Priyanka Jain, Manav Rachna International Institute of Strategy and Research
- Cross-Border Effects of Institutional Carriers on Entrepreneurial Entry into a Nascent Industry, by Diana Jue-Rajasingh, University of Michigan
- Interactions Matter: Revisiting Intra- and Inter-regional Diversification and MNE Performance, by Jongmin Lee, Henley Business School, University of Reading
The winner was: Diana Jue-Rajasingh
For the CEIBS Best Paper Award, all papers shortlisted for any of the other awards are considered as finalists.
The winners were Tae-Seok Kim and Eunjung Hyun.
For the IM Division D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Award for the Best Dissertation, the finalists were:
- Liang (Arthur) Li, Toronto Metropolitan University, PhD degree from Ivey Business School, Western University.
- Harald Puh, University of Insbruck, PhD degree from WU Vienna.
- Jan Schmitt, Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam, PhD degree from WU Vienna.
The winner was Liang (Arthur) Li.
In Academy-Level Recognitions:
For William H. Newman Award Nominee, the nominated paper was
- The Traveling Headquarters: The new phenomenon of temporary headquarters relocations, by Jan Schmitt, Amsterdam Business School, U. of Amsterdam.
For Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee, the nominated paper was:
- Global Trends in Policies toward Foreign Direct Investment by State-owned Enterprises, by Anastasia Ufimtseva, Jing Li, and Daniel Shapiro, Simon Fraser University.
10. Thank you to the reviewers:
Program Chair Grazia Santangelo thanked the reviewers. She reported the IM Division 2022 Best Reviewers awards, which were given to Ausrine Silenskyte, Felix Hoch, Jui-chuan Hsu, Mark Wilfred Horsley, Bjoern Schmeisser, Gonzalo Molina Sieiro, Jill Juergensen, Marloes Korendijk, Chandrashekhar Lakshman, Ha Nguyen, Ke Cao, Michal Szymanski, Chiara Andreoli, Helene Tenzer, Kristin Brandl, Myriam Cano Rubio, Ciara O'Higgins, Ivo Zander, Larissa Rabbiosi, Pankaj Kumar, Cordula Barzantny, Jan Schmitt, Malika Richards, Renfei Gao, Davina E. Vora, Jesper Edman, Marius Brand, Riki Takeuchi, Sebastian Reiche, Stacey Fitzsimmons, Tao Han, Tomke Augustin, and Vladislav Maksimov.
Grazia closed by inviting all attendees the IM Social which will take place right after the Business Meeting.
11. Professional Achievement Awards/Lifetime Achievement Awards:
For Professional Achievement Awards, the committee consisted of Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University, Anu Phene, George Washington University, Elizabeth Rose, University of Leeds, John Cantwell, Rutgers University, and Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University.
The 2022 IM Hyundai Division Eminent Scholar Award (formerly the PWC Eminent Scholar Award) was awarded to:
The IM Division Amorepacific Outstanding Educator Award for the year 2022 went to
- Stephanie Lenway (University of St. Thomas)
In her note of thanks, Stephanie Lenway made a passionate appeal to commit to teaching, and help develop next generation leaders.
The Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award for the year 2022 went to
- Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M University)
In her note of thanks, Lorraine Eden emphasized the importance of all members working for the conference theme “Creating a better world together” both within the academy and in all professional activities.
The FIU Business Emerging Scholar Award, for the year 2022 went to
- Liang Chen (University of Melbourne)
In his note of thanks, Liang Chen emphasized appreciation for senior scholars supporting younger scholars n the framework of the Academy.
In concluding the awards parts of the meeting, Katherine gave a Special Recognition to Jaeyong Song (Seoul National University) for his outstanding contributions to the IM Division of the Academy of Management as a member of the Executive Committee from 2018 to 2022.
12. The IM Division Team
The Division Chair then introduced the members of the 2021-2022 Executive Committee: PDW Chair (Klaus Meyer), Program Chair (Nandini Lahiri), Division Chair-elect (Grazia Santangelo), Division Chair (William Newburry), Immediate Past Division Chair (Katherine Xin). She noted that she looks forward to working with all the EC members in the next year to make the IM division even better.
13. Future AOM Conferences
The Division Chair shared dates and locations of the conferences for the next 8 years, with the 2023 conference to be held on August 4-8, 2023 in Boston.
14. Adjournment
The Division Chair thanked everyone for a great year. The meeting was then closed.
Minutes taken by Klaus Meyer.