Minutes of the 2019 IM Division Business Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
1. Welcome and Introduction
Division Chair Elizabeth Rose welcomed all and presented the agenda for the meeting.
2. Housekeeping
The Division Chair asked to check the 2018 Meeting Minutes, which are in
email, and the financial report.
3. Appreciation for IM Service
The Division Chair expressed her appreciation to the EC and especially singled out PDW Chair Katherine Xin, Program Chair Jaeyong Song, Treasurer Malika Richards, and Communications Chair Chei Hwee Chua. She also thanked the IM Division Committee Chairs and other members for their service to the division. These included acknowledgments to Bill Newburry (Dissertation), Grazia Santagelo (Research), Carl Fey (Teaching), Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (PWC Strategy& Eminent Scholar), Aya Chacar (Professional Achievement), Denise Dunlap (Social), Tanvi Kothari (Membership Drive), Luiz Kabbach de Castro (Membership), Mohan Song (Doctoral Student), Ali Taleb (Online Teaching), and Sali Li (Online Research).
She also thanked the members of various committees.
4. Staying in Touch with the IM Division
The Division Chair noted that there are several ways to keep in touch with the Division, including Facebook, LinkedIn (for doctoral students), the IM Division webpage, the IM Division Newsletter, and the Connect@AOM. These are all maintained by the Communications Committee: Chei Hwee Chua (Chair), Dennys Eduardo Rossetto (Webmaster), Sahrok Kim (Facebook Group Manager), Everlyne Misati (Communications Officer), Charles Wankel (Connect@AOM), and Rimi Zakaria (Photography Manager).
5. Sponsor Recognition
Division Chair Elizabeth Rose thanked the division sponsors for their significant contributions to the division’s awards.
6. Treasurer’s Report 2017-2018
IM Division Treasurer, Malika Richards, summarized the health of the division, saying membership is solid, but has declined slightly over the last few years. We had 2,337 members as of June 2019, with an allocation of $30,207 available on January 2020 (compared with 2,406/$30,966 in 2018, 2,537/$32,407 in 2017, and 2,635/$29,485 in 2016). She noted that in 2018, the base allocation increased to $4500.
She also reported on continuing and significant contributions to the division in 2019 – with $38,000 pledged from Amorepacific, Strategy&, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ. CIBER, Northeastern Univ., Univ. of South Carolina.
This compares with the 2018 figure of $32,485 received from sponsors Amorepacific, Strategy&, Florida International Univ., Northeastern Univ., China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), George Washington Univ. CIBER, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), and Univ. of South Carolina.
She thanked the financial contributors, noting that they make a big difference to the quality and extensiveness of our activities, and to our award offerings. Finally, she noted that the IM Division is in good shape, and that we are working to increase our membership.
She provided a financial summary for 2019 compared to prior year – balance forward, $86,851 ($66,741, prior year); division allocation, $30,207 ($32,966, prior year); other revenue received as of July 1st 2019, $17,000 ($33,165, prior year); total expenses, not available for current year ($47,165, prior year); operating funds and endowment as of 01/01, $86,851 for current year ($66,741 for prior year); and, operating funds as of 12/31 is not available for current year ($86,851, prior year). In the end, she indicated that a detailed report is posted at the IM division website.
7. PDW Chair Report
PDW Chair Katherine Xin thanked all those who contributed to the PDW program. She noted that we had 18 PDWs that had their primary sponsorship from the IM Division, covering research, teaching, and practice. In addition to the IM-sponsored PDWs, another 20 were jointly sponsored (organized by other divisions). She announced that the PDW 2019 program included the Boston Duck Boat Tour.
She recognized PDW drivers, starting with a special thanks to localhost-D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University. She appreciated the organizers of the two well-received consortia–Jesper Edman (Doctoral), Tatiana Kostova (Junior Faculty) – noting that the quality of the panels in each of the consortia was remarkable. And last but not least, she thanked Nandini Lahiri for arranging the Paper Development Workshop, along with Prithwiraj Choudhury for his work with the Meet the Editors session. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who proposed PDW sessions and made submissions.
8. Program Chair Report
Program Chair Jaeyong Song reported on the IM Division Program. He thanked all the submitters for helping to make the program a great success. He noted that there were 458 paper and 35 symposia submissions and 496 reviewers from 53 countries, compared to last year’s 418 paper and 29 symposia submissions. He thanked all the reviewers and detailed the program statistics:
- Submitted: 458 papers and 35 symposia (3.31 average assignments per reviewer and 3.49 average reviews per submission)
- Accepted: 204 Divisional papers in 51 sessions (compared to 186 papers in 44 sessions in the prior year); 18 discussion papers in 3 sessions (compared to 18 discussions in the prior year); 7 IM-lead Symposia and one showcase symposia.
The program also included the Thought Leadership Café. Jaeyong Song
thanked Juan Alcacer, Tailan Chi, and Robert Salomon for their contributions.
9. Awards
For the HKUST Best Paper in Global Strategy Award, the finalists were:
- “Linguistic Distance and Acquisition Completion: Evidence from Cross-border Acquisition Waves”, Mohammad Fuad (Indian Institute of Management); Ahmedabad Ajai Singh Gaur (Rutgers University).
- “Connectivity and the Location of MNEs Across the Value Chain. Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas”, Davide Castellani (University of Reading); Katiuscia Lavoratori (University of Warwick); Alessandra Perri (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice); Vittoria Giada Scalera (University of Amsterdam)
- “Managerial Decision Making and the Evolutionary Process of Internationalization”, Manfred Fuchs (University of Graz); Sierk Horn (University of Applied Sciences Dornbirn)
- “Who Stays and Who Goes? The Role of Reputation in Firms’ Divestment Decisions”, Ishva Minefee (Iowa State University); Andreea Noemi Kiss (Lehigh University)
The winners were Ishva Minefee and Andreea Noemi Kiss.
For the Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award, the finalists were:
- “So Close, Yet So Far Away: Bringing “Diversity” to Research on Distance in International Business”, Fabrice Lumineau (Purdue University); Marvin Hanisch (University of Passau); Olivier Wurtz (University of Vaasa)
- “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Role of Distributive Justice behind Subsidiary Initiative”, Hsiang- Lin Cheng (National Chung Cheng University)
- “Overqualification among Migrants: A Social Judgment Theory Perspective”, Heidi Wechtler (University of Newcastle); Alexei Koveshnikov (Aalto University); Colin Idzert Sarkies Lee (University of Amsterdam)
- “First Language, Language Proficiency and Communication about Problems at Work” (WITHDRAWN) Birgit Pauksztat, (Uppsala University)
The winners were Heidi Wechtler, Alexei Koveshnikov, and Colin Idzert Sarkies Lee.
For the GWU-CIBER Emerging Markets Award, the finalists were:
- “Political Institutions and Corporate Transparency in Emerging Economies”, Richard Carney (CEIBS); Omrane Guedhami (University of South Carolina); Sadok El Ghoul (University of Alberta); Ruiyuan Chen (West Virginia University)
- “Does FDI Presence Make Domestic Firms Greener in an Emerging Economy? The Effect of Media Attention”, Jingyu Yang (University of Sydney); Yi Li (University of Sydney); Wei Liu (University of Sydney); Liang Wen (University of Sydney)
- “How Does Informal Entrepreneurship Affect Innovation?”, Juan Bu (Indiana University); Alvaro Cuervo- Cazurra (Northeastern University)
- “Moving beyond Liability of Foreignness: Liability of Outsidership and an Extension of Uppsala Intern” (WITHDRAWN), Hongbin Tan (CEIBS)
The winners were Juan Bu and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra.
For the Best Paper in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Award, the finalists were:
- “Women Directors and Corporate Social Performance Around the World”, Valentina Marano (Northeastern University); Steve Sauerwald (University of Illinois at Chicago); Marc Van Essen (University of South Carolina)
- “State-Led FDI and Multinational Firms’ CSR Reporting: A Dual Legitimacy Perspective”, Jing Zhao (Renmin University of China); Limin Zhu (Renmin University of China); Shubo Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- “Too Tight to Move? How Cultural Norms and Stereotypes Regulate Imprinting in Hybrid Social Venturing”, Brandon Ofem (University of Missouri, St. Louis); Seemantini Madhukar Pathak (University of Missouri, St. Louis); Amy Taylor-Bianco (Ohio University); Ikenna Stanley-Paschal Uzuegbunam (Ohio University)
- “Global Framework Agreements as Substantive Commitments to Employment Practices in MNEs”, Cheng Li (Ivey Business School); Klaus Meyer (Ivey Business School); Htwe Htwe Thein (Curtin University)
The winners were Valentina Marano, Steve Sauerwald, and Marc Van Essen.
For the Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Award, the finalists were:
- “Post-Acquisition Value Creation in Cross-Border Transactions: Do Board Characteristics Matter?”, Deepak K Datta (University of Texas at Arlington); Dynah A. Basuil (Asian Institute of Management); Ankita Agarwal (University of Texas at Arlington)
- “Uncertain Principals, Opaque Agents? Elections and State-Owned MNE Disclosure”, Anthony Cannizzaro (Catholic University of America); Robert J. Weiner (George Washington University)
- “Mixed Ownership and Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China”, Changqi Wu (Peking University); Bin Zhang (Peking University)
- “The Institutional Effect: A Cross-National Meta-Analysis of Founder and Professional CEO Performance”, Aten Zaandam (University of Arkansas); Dinesh Hasija (Augusta University); Alan E. Ellstrand (University of Arkansas); Michael Cummings (University of Arkansas)
The winners were Deepak K Datta, Dynah A. Basuil, and Ankita Agarwal.
For the Douglas Nigh Award, the finalists were:
- “A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual- and Collective-Focused Leadership”, Ute Poethke (TU Dortmund); Sarah Lange (TU Dortmund)
- “How Does Global Diversification Strategy Affect Firm Performance? A Modelling and Simulation Study” Thomas Lindner (WU Vienna)
- “State Control, Internal Legitimacy, and the Internationalization Process of a State-owned Enterprise”, Zeerim Cheung (Aalto University); Eero Juhani Aalto (Aalto University); Pasi Nevalainen (University of Jyväskylä)
- “Firms without Borders? Toward a Theory of Global Social New Ventures”, Paula Linna (JYU School of Business); Giuseppe Criaco (Erasmus University)
The winner was Thomas Lindner.
For the Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy Award, the finalists were:
- “Foreign and Home Country Innovation by MNCs: Hollowing Out or Strengthening of the Home Base?”, Heather Berry (George Washington University)
- “Corporate Renewal through Resource Exploitation and Augmentation: Evidence from US Multinationals, 1999-2014”, Heather Berry (George Washington University); Aseem Kaul (University of Minnesota)
- “Do Institutions Matter for the Relationship between Diversification and Performance? A Meta-Analysis”, Todor Stefan Lohwasser (WWU Münster); Dominik Wagner (Independent Scholar); Marc Van Essen (University of South Carolina); Michel William Lander (HEC Paris); Valentina Marano (Northeastern University)
- “Overseas Operation, Regulatory Lobbying, and Integrated Strategy of U.S. Firms”, Yilang Feng (University of Michigan)
The winner was Yilang Feng.
For the CEIBS Best Paper Award, all finalists for IM Division Paper Awards are also finalists for IM Division. Finalists were:
- “Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development”, Irina Orbes (Australian National University); Hang Minh Dang (Australian National University); Alexander Eapen (Australian National University)
- “How Does Family Owner Authority Influence Firm Efficiency? An Issue of National Power Distance”, Andreas Knetsch (RWTH Aachen University; Wolfgang Breuer (RWTH Aachen University)
- “Relocation with or without You: An Attachment Theory Perspective on Expatriate Withdrawal”, Rotumba Arachchige Ishanka Chathurani Karunarathne (University of Kelaniya); Fabian Jintae Froese (University of Goettingen); Anna Katharina Bader (Northumbria University)
- “Outcomes of Bridging Roles in MNCs and Moderating Influence of Cultural Identity Integration”, Ting Liu (Hiroshima City University); Tomoki Sekiguchi (Kyoto University); Azusa Ebisuya (Osaka University)
The winners were Irina Orbes, Hang Minh Dang, and Alexander Eapen.
For the IM Division D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Award for the Best Dissertation, the finalists were:
- “Foreign Direct Investment in Global Cities and Co-ethnic Clusters: Characteristics, Performance, and Survival”, Dwarka Chakravarty (San Diego State University, PhD from Western University)
- “Strategic Board Leadership in the Multinational Firm”, Georg Guttman (University of St. Gallen,PhD from University of St. Gallen)
- “The Location of Headquarters: Why, When and Where are Regional Mandates Located?”, Iiris Saittakari, (Aalto University, PhD from Aalto University)
- “Bloody Business: Multinational Investment in an Increasingly Conflict-afflicted World”, Caroline Witte (Copenhagen Business School, PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam)
The winner was Caroline Witte.
In Academy-Level Recognitions,
For William H. Newman Award Nominee, the nominee was Murad Mithani.
For Carolyn Dexter Award, the finalists were Brandon Ofem, Seemantini Madhukar Pathak, Amy Taylor- Bianco, and Ikenna Stanley-Paschal Uzuegbunam.
For Emerald Best International Symposium, Minna Marinova Paunova and Kyle Ehrhardt.
10. Thank you to the reviewers:
The Program Chair thanked, again, the reviewers. And he noted IM Division 2019 Best Reviewers awards, which come with a certificate and named Anthony Cannizzaro, Bjoern Schmeisser, Cordula Barzantny, Cristina Popescu, David Ahlstrom, Davina E. Vora, Elizabeth L. Rose, Hussain G. Rammal, Hyejun Kim, Ivan Manev, Jesper Edman, Johann Fortwengel, Jun Ho Lee, Jun Yang, Liudmyla Svystunova, Malika Richards, Manfred Fuchs, Markus Pudelko, Masud Chand, Meredith Downes, Michael Nippa, Nandini Lahiri, Nathaniel Lupton, Noman Ahmed Shaheer Siddiqui, Philipp Kern, Randi Lunnan, Raquel García- García, Sachiko Yamao, Tao Han, Tim G. Andrews, Weiqiang Tang, Xie Nina, Yoo Jung Ha, Yulia Muratova, Zhirong Duan as the Best Reviewers for 2019.
11. Professional Achievement Awards/Lifetime Achievement Awards:
The Eminent Scholar Award is sponsored by Strategy&, which is the IM Division’s longest-serving sponsor. The committee consists of Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Chair), Jay Anand, and Art Kleiner.
The 2019 IM Division Strategy& Eminent Scholar was John Cantwell (Rutgers University).
For the next three awards, the committee consists of three past division chairs (Aya Chacar, Jay Anand, and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra).
For the FIU Emerging Scholar, the 2019 award went to Stephanie L. Wang (Indiana University).
The Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award went to Timothy M. Devinney (University of Leeds).
The Amorepacific Outstanding Educator Award went to Julian Birkinshaw (London Business School).
As he was unable to attend the prior year, the 2018 Amorepacific Outstanding Educator Award winner Christopher Bartlett (Harvard Business School) was also present to receive his award.
A Special Recognition was also given to Aya Chacar (Florida International University) for her outstanding contributions to the IM Division of the Academy of Management as a member of the Executive Committee from 2015 to 2019.
12. The IM Division Team
The Division Chair then introduced the members of the 2019-2020 Executive Committee: PDW Chair (William Newburry), Division Program Chair (Katherine Xin), Division Chair-Elect (Jaeyong Song), Division Chair (Anu Phene), and Immediate Past Division Chair (Elizabeth Rose). She noted that she looks forward to working with all the EC members in the next year to make the IM division even better.
13. Future AOM Conferences
The Division Chair shared dates and locations of the conferences for the next 8 years, with the 2020 conference to be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
14. Adjournment
The Division Chair reminded everyone about the social division that night and thanked everyone for a great year. The meeting was then closed.