2021: Randall Peterson

2021 Recipient: Randall Peterson, London Business School


What sets Randall apart is how much he “sees” each and every one of us. With students, for example, he gets to know which theories and methods really touch the intellect of each person, and he nurtures those interests rather than forcing students into a paradigm. He helps undergraduates apply to doctoral programs, he helps doctoral students meet milestones with clear and structured plans, he helps junior faculty navigate politics and time management traps, and he helps his senior colleagues understand how they can be more developmental. He creates a better culture for everyone, while understanding that each person is unique.


Senior colleagues who are willing to spend social capital on another’s behalf are rare, especially those who do so at great cost to themselves. He has consistently been my advocate and sponsor, particularly when I most needed it - during a vital career transition.


He is an outspoken advocate of minority women in the academy, and a role model of how to be an ally and advocate.


This impact lasts for as long as you know Randall. Once he invests in you, he will continue to do so. Even 15 years after my graduation, for example, I would see him in the back of the room at one of my Academy presentations—even though I had not asked him to come. He has supported all of his students and colleagues in this way, as their letters will attest. Randall shows up for us.