Critical Management Studies Domain Statement
The Critical Management Studies Division is a forum within the Academy of Management for the expression of views critical of unethical management practices and the exploitative social order. Structural features of contemporary society, such as the profit imperative, patriarchy, racial inequality, and ecological irresponsibility, often encourage managers to see organizations as instruments of domination and exploitation. Driven by a shared desire to change this situation, we aim in our research, teaching, and practice to develop critical interpretations of management and society and to generate radical alternatives. Our critique seeks to connect the practical shortcomings in theories of management and managerial practices to the demands of a socially divisive and ecologically destructive system. Please read our full domain statement and the CMS history for more detail.
Why Join?
View a short PowerPoint presentation on "Why I should get involved in Critical Management Studies at the Academy of Management".
View our testimonial page.
How to Join?
Academy of Management members can join two divisions/interest groups, or pay a small fee to join more than two. Add CMS as a Division when you join or renew. For any membership inquiries contact the Membership Department.
Once you have joined the CMS Division, there are lots of ways you can get involved:
- Attend the annual meeting to present your work as a discussion paper, full paper, or part of a symposium
- Organize and submit proposals for Professional Development Workshops that would have cross-divisional appeal
- Sign up as a reviewer for the main program submissions
- Write for the Dark Side Case Study competition
- Attend the Doctoral & New Faculty Consortium
- Submit a summary of your thesis to the Doctoral Dissertation Competition
- Sponsor a prize
- Above all, attend our social events and get to know new colleagues and critical friends