Here is a video explaining how to navigate the AOM CMS calls for scholarly papers and PDWs.
CMS Reviewers:
A big thank you to all the CMS reviewers who consistently provide high quality, developmental feedback to contributors, the Division relies on your generosity.
A Note on Diversity and Inclusion:
The CMS Division is committed to generative inclusion and the promotion of alternatives to conventional norms, including within our own profession and its organizations. We therefore ask that when putting together a Professional Development Workshop or Panel Symposium, please consider:
a) Variety in speakers. Workshop and symposia panels should be made up of a range of speakers, some of international standing, some earlier career, with a range of experience in publishing and education.
b) The representation of genders, geographical locations, and institutions. In particular, PDW and main program chairs are unlikely to accept proposals with all-male panels or representation from only one or two geographical regions.
In addition to the CMS program at the Academy of Management in North America, the CMS Division provides one-off sponsorship to support workshops and meetings that further the Division’s remit in other parts of the world. Please contact the current CMS Division Chair if you would like to find out more.