Annual Awards 2023
Best Critical Paper
Each year the Division awards a prize for Best Paper from the main scholarly program. This prize is sponsored by the journal Organization. Here are the previous winners.

Anne Antoni (Grenoble Ecole de Management) and Heather Connolly (Grenoble Ecole de Management)
“We All Stand Together” (Or Do We?): Understanding the Emergence of Solidarity at Work
Best Doctoral Student Paper
Each year an award is made by the Division for the Best Student Paper. Here are details of what counts as an eligible entry for this competition. This award is sponsored by the journal Organization.
Poonam Barhoi (Indian Institute of Management), Ranjeet Nambudiri (Indian Institute of Management) and Nobin Thomas
(Indian Institute of Management)
Gender-Based Violence in India and Feminist Organizing of Women’s Court’s Work for Its Prevention
Best International Business Paper
The Division also makes an award for Best International Business Paper. The prize is sponsored by the journal Critical Perspectives on International Business and the Emerald Publishing Group. Here are the details of the previous winners.

Fahreen Alamgir (Monash University) and Saleem Saha (ARDHO)
Violence & Afghan Women: Invasions, Interventions, and Mobilization - A Call for Reflexive Engagement
Best Organization Studies Paper
A new award is made for the Best Organization Studies Paper. The prize is sponsored by the journal of Organization Studies.

Julie Wolfram Cox (Monash University) and John Hassard (Manchester Business School)
Relational Perspectivism and the Case for Slow Theorizing in Critical Temporal Studies
Best Paper in Critical Business Ethics
The Division award for Best Critical Business Ethics is sponsored by the Journal of Business Ethics.
Here are the details of past winners.

Rashedur Chowdury (University of Essex) and Roya Derakhshan (Università Bocconi)
In the Name of the Law: A Study of Undocumented Immigrants’ Experiences of Legal Violence
Best Critical Gender, Work & Organization
The division award for Best Critical Gender, Work, and Organization is sponsored by the journal Gender, Work & Organization. Here are the details of past winners.

Cat Spellman (Durham University Business School) and Jo McBride (Durham University Business School)
Gendering ‘The Hidden Injuries of Class’ and In-Work Poverty in Britain
Best Paper in Critical Leadership
A new award is made for the Best Critical Leadership Paper. The prize is sponsored by the journal Leadership.

Sverre Spoelstra (Lund University) and Nick Butler (Stockholm University)
Algorithmic Leadership and the Game of Business
Best Paper in Management Learning
The division award for Best Critical Management Learning Paper is sponsored by the journal Management Learning. Here are the details of past winners.
Emily Cook-Lundgren (NEOMA Business School)
Social Entrepreneurship Education: Changing the World or Maintaining the Status Quo?
The Professor Anshuman Prasad Award
In memory of Professor Anshuman Prasad, a new award commemorating postcolonial/decolonial work in the field of organizations studies will be given in the Division. The prize is sponsored by the journal Organization.

Nandita Roy (Indian Institute of Management), Nurlykhan Aljanova (Nazarbayev University), Nazym Baskynbayeva (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), Paromita Chakravarti (Jadavpur University), and Anjan Ghosh (Narxoz University)
Decolonizing Feminist ‘Knowledge’: ‘The Modern Woman’ in Kazakh Influencer Culture
Most Promising Early Career Award
A new award is made for the Most Promising Early Career Paper. The prize is sponsored by the journal Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization.

Laura Kangas-Müller (Aalto University)
Fluid or Entrenched Inequalities? Dilemmas of Tackling Disadvantages in Migrant Support Work
Best Dark Side Case Competition
Each year the Division awards a prize for Best Critical Dark Side Case. This prize is sponsored by Routledge. Here are the previous winners.

Doctoral Dissertation/Thesis Award
Each year we award a prize to an outstanding doctoral dissertation/thesis that draws on and contributes to CMS. If you have completed your doctoral dissertation/thesis in the specified time period in any of the fields associated with critical management studies, do consider entering this competition. The award is sponsored by the journal Organization. Here are the details of the competition and past winners.

Belinda Zakrzewska (University of Sussex)
Anti-Manual for the Organizational Construction of Authenticity in Postcolonial Contexts
Best CMS Reviewer
An award is also made each year for the Best Developmental Reviewer in the Division. Here are the previous winners.

There were 3 Best Developmental Reviewer Awards for 2023:
- Jussara Pereira (FGV-EAESP)
- Belinda Zakrzewska (University of Sussex)
- Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio (Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais)