Best OMT Entrepreneurship Paper

First awarded in 2015, the Best OMT Entrepreneurship Paper recognizes a paper in the scholarly program that advances understanding of entrepreneurship drawing on organization and management theory.

2024 Best OMT Entrepreneurship Paper
Minjae Kim (Rice University) 
Ethan Poskanzer
(University of Colorado)
Unanswered Outreaches: Mechanisms of Gender-Based Network Segregation in Entrepreneurship

Past Winners

2023 Kylie Heales (U. of Alberta) Angelique Slade Shantz (U. of Alberta) Desiree F. Pacheco (IESE Business School) Luciano Barin Cruz (HEC Montreal) Charlene E. Zietsma (U. of Michigan) "How Institutional Logics Influence Growth: A Field Experiment with Tunisian Women

2022 Jean-François Soublière (HEC Montréal), Jade Y. Lo (Drexel U.) and Eunice Yunjin Rhee (Seattle U.). "Coherence Within and Across Categories: The Dynamic Viability of Product Categories on Kickstarter."

2021 Daniel Kim (Wharton), Minjae Kim (Rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business)."Individuals and organizational change: Effect of unexpected founder loss on industry change among US startups"

2020 Tristan L. Botelho (Yale School of Management), Melody Chang (Yale School of Management). "The Perception and Evaluation of Founder Experience by Hiring Firms: A Field Experiment."

2019 Vera Roche (Copenhagen Business School). "The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Community Integration: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment."

2018 Raffaele Conti (Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics), Aleksandra Kacperczyk (London Business School) and Giovanni Valentini (IESE Business School). "Discrimination and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from LGBT Rights Laws."

Sampsa Samila (IESE) and Olav Sorenson (Yale U.). "Community and Capital in Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth"

2016 Victor Nee (Cornell University), Sonja Opper (Lund University), and Hakan Holm (Lund University). "Relational Exchange and Generalized Trust in China"

2015 Itziar Castelló (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and David Barberá (Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)). "Cultural Entrepreneurship and the Role of Visuals in Interactive Frame Alignment Process"