The OMT Responsible Research Award is given to a paper that offers both credible and useful knowledge that can potentially advance business practices toward a better society. The paper must be authored by at least one member of the OMT Division and submitted for the OMT refereed scholarly program. Selection will be based on the extent to which the paper exemplifies the seven principles of responsible research. (See the principles on
2024 Responsible Research Award
Grace Augustine (School of Management, University of Bath)
Jan Lodge (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
Mislay Radic (Bocconi University). From Paralysis to Publicization: How Victims Confront Organizational Harm.
Past Winners
2023 Haochi Zhang, Edward J. Zajac (Northwestern U). Jianhua Ge, Di Zhu (Renmin U. of China). A Tale of Two Moral Cultures? The Diffusion of Commercialization Among Non-Profits in China
2022 Harsh Ketkar (Bocconi U.), Seth Carnahan (Washington U. in St. Louis) and Brad Greenwood (George Mason U.). Adaptable Tools and Women’s Job Performance in Male-Dominated Fields: Evidence from Robotic Surgery
2021 Thomas John Fewer, Dali Ma (Drexel University), Boeing’s Jedi mind tricks: Discursive framing and the dark side of institutional entrepreneurship
2020 Kate Odziemkowska (Rice University), Frenemies: When Firms and Activists Collaborate