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2024 Young IB Scholars Workshop (II) September 26-27, 2024 (Six virtual sessions)

  • 1.  2024 Young IB Scholars Workshop (II) September 26-27, 2024 (Six virtual sessions)

    Posted 22 days ago

    International Business Review (IBR)
    in association with the
    European International Business Academy (EIBA)

     2024 Young IB Scholars Workshop (II)
    September 26-27, 2024
    (Six virtual sessions)


    August 20, 2024 (23:00 CET)


    Are you a young (or at least a youngish) international business and management scholar?

    Do you have a paper on which you would like some expert feedback?

    Do you want to publish your paper in one of the top IB journals?


    If the answer to these three questions is "yes", then the 2024 Young IB Scholars Workshop (II) is for you! The Workshop will take place (virtually) on September 26-27, 2024 with six sessions to accommodate authors and expert panelists/reviewers from different time zones.

    Attendance is free. You will receive feedback from a stellar cast of expert panelists/reviewers (thanks in advance to all of them for their participation and leadership).


    Please hurry because the submission deadline is August 20, 2024!


    Further details are available at this website: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-business-review/about/paper-professional-development-workshops


    Best regards

    Roger Strange & Fang Lee Cooke

    International Business Review

    Fang Lee Cooke
    Monash University
    Melbourne VIC
    0061 3 99034666