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CALL FOR PAPERS | Preparing Leaders to Tackle Grand Challenges

  • 1.  CALL FOR PAPERS | Preparing Leaders to Tackle Grand Challenges

    Posted 01-26-2024 08:06
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    Call for Papers

    Preparing Leaders to Tackle Grand Challenges
    AIB Sustainability SIG | AIB Teaching and Education SIG

    For better or poorer, business actions reverberate beyond the boundaries of the organization.

    Business activity aggravates or mitigates major global issues such as inequality, poverty and sustainability. Business leaders drive these actions and thus determine the direction of their impact. Scholars assert that the field of management has much potential to help address these Grand Challenges (George et al., 2016). However, some lament that scholars are "not even trying" to engage with these critical issues (Harley and Fleming, 2021).

    Jointly led by the Academy of International Business Sustainability Shared Interest Group and the Academy of International Business Teaching and Education Shared Interest Group, this Special Issue responds to the urgent call for scholarship. It aims to stimulate advances on how management education can develop leaders who are ready to tackle Grand Challenges.

    Download the full Call for Papers (enclosed) or click here for a quick view.

    Keep an eye out for upcoming idea and paper development workshops and feel free to contact any of the guest editors for questions.

    Submissions due

    30 August 2024

    Guest Editors
    Sandra Alday
    Allan Bird
    John Dilyard
    Daria Panina
    Shasha Zhao

    JME Submission Guidelines

    Sandra Alday
    Allan Bird
    John Dilyard
    Daria Panina
    Shasha Zhao