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JoMSR latest issue now available

  • 1.  JoMSR latest issue now available

    Posted 12-06-2023 09:38

    Dear IM Division colleagues,

    The latest issue of Journal of Management Scientific Reports (volume 1, issue 3-4) is now available; all articles are open access for six months: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/MSR/current. Consistent with JOMSR's mission, this issue contains value-adding replications and tests of competing theories. The topics cover important research on executive appointments, the value of cash holdings, and organizational socialization. In addition, editorials address reproducibility – the complement and antecedent to replication – and the fascinating question of how to fit the writing and structure of an article with the type of empirical analysis.

    We hope you enjoy reading this issue and find it helpful to thinking about a study to submit to JOMSR!

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    JOMSR cover


    Current reproducibility practices in management: What they are versus what they could be

    Jose M. Cortina, Tine Köhler, & Lydia C. Aulisi

    Writing a useful empirical journal article

    Andrew A. King


    A reinvestigation of the stock price reactions to announcements of Black top executive appointments

    Sekou Bermiss, Jeremiah Green, & John R.M. Hand

    Cash holdings and firm value: Evidence for increasing marginal returns

    Maximilian H. Theissen, Christopher Jung, Hubertus H. Theissen, & Lorenz Graf-Vlachy

    New to the watercooler: Differential effects of relationship building for female versus male newcomers

    Lawrence Houston III, & Anthony Klotz

    Xavier Martin
    Tilburg University