Dear colleagues,
please note that the newest issue of the Journal of East European Management Studies (Vol. 28, Issue 1) is now available.
Katarina Njegić, Vesna Milanović, Biljana StankovThe Drivers of Market Orientation and its Impact on Export Performance of
Serbian Firms
Katarina Zorić, Milan Nikolić, Nemanja Berber, Edit Terek Stojanović, Dobrivoje
Martinov, Branislava Brestovački Svitlica
The impact of ethical climate and the LMX relationship on nurses' burnout in
hospitals in Serbia
Norbert Zétény Sárga, Richárd Kása
Moderately developed employee performance appraisal systems in Hungarian
Ágnes Mosolygó-Kiss, Balázs Heidrich, Nicholas Chandler
Knowing me, knowing you: A study of the types of knowledge transferred
during the succession process in intra-family takeover of family businesses in
Yang Chun, Pan Yini, Ma Yuan
Political instability, resources, and political networking of firms in transition
Aleksandra Rudawska, Katarzyna Gadomska-Lila
Understanding the Relation between HR Practices and Pull Approach to Knowledge Sharing: Case Study
Bojan Leković, Renata Amidžić, Dragan Vojinović, Maja Ivanović-Đukić
Drivers for the Internationalization of Nascent Entrepreneurs and New Business Owners in Southeast European Countries
Free abstracts (and one article to be downloaded for free) are accessible at
For any further questions regarding the journal, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Best regards,
Thomas Steger
Editor-in-chief, University of Regensburg