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Reviewing for the AOM and Journals

  • 1.  Reviewing for the AOM and Journals

    Posted 11-29-2023 12:36

    The AOM International Management Division invites you to a webinar on "Reviewing for the AOM and Journals". We will address questions such as why you should consider reviewing for the annual conference, what reviewing at AOM looks like, the benefits of reviewing, and what makes for strong reviews for the AOM (and for journals). The time will be split between hearing from our two experienced editors and Q&A.

    Becky Reuber, University of Toronto
    Grazia Santangelo, Copenhagen Business School

    When: Dec 7, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) = 5 PM (London, UK) = 5 PM (Madrid, Paris) = 11 pm (Hong Kong)

    Register in advance here: - https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpcOqupjwjHNde9YstZBxl-cHieLuF3fd1#/registration

    Klaus Meyer
    London ON