Requirements: If you hold a faculty position as an Assistant Professor or comparable rank and your research focuses on STR related topics, we encourage you to apply to the JFPDW. Applications should include:
- Your curriculum vitae, including name, email address, title, institutional affiliation
- The paper you want to receive feedback on (a new working paper, or even a paper that's been through the review process already)
- An indication of three faculty mentors who are of most interest to you. (We will do our best to facilitate matches but this will depend a little on demand.)
Please submit your application online to Acceptance notification will be sent by June 15th 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the organizers:
Aline Gatignon (
Daniel Keum (
Elie Sung (
Pavel Zhelyazkov (
Aline Gatignon
Assistant Professor of Management
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania