International Management (IM)

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#International Management
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#Critical Management Studies
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#Organization and Management Theory
#Human Resources

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  • The incoming editorial team at Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) is pleased to announce that the technical switchover has been completed and we are now open for business! If you wish to submit a manuscript to AMP, please start here . AMP ...

  • Call for Papers Academy of International Business US Northeast Annual Conference Suffolk University, Sawyer Business School, Boston, MA, USA Friday, October 4 & Saturday, October 5, 2024 ...

  • Dear International Management Division Members: I would like to remind you about our upcoming online IM Division Business Meeting that will be held on Thursday, July 25 at UTC 1 PM (EDT 9:00 am/CEST 3:00 pm). Registration is required at the ...

  • Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management 2024 meeting Theories of State Capitalism Session 163 on Friday, August 9 th (14:00 – 15:30 CT) at Hyatt: Stetson Suite F The resurgence of various manifestations of state capitalism ...

  • Dear IM members, Please join us for the IM division's social on Friday August 9 th from 6.00 pm until 7.30 pm. Chicago's most popular tour is a great way to start off your visit to Chicago. You will experience a great overview ...