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Call For Applications: AOM International Management Division Junior Faculty Consortium 2021

  • 1.  Call For Applications: AOM International Management Division Junior Faculty Consortium 2021

    Posted 04-07-2021 21:08
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    The International Management (IM) Division will conduct a Junior Faculty Consortium (JFC) on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at the virtual Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. The JFC is designed for junior colleagues who have defended their dissertation in the last 1-5 years and are facing the challenges of building successful academic careers in the field of International Management. It will provide a unique opportunity for junior faculty to engage in a conversation around the key issues of  careers, research, publishing, teaching, and service with leaders in our field from around the world. The senior faculty panel includes deans and administrators, editors and editorial board members, distinguished scholars and educators, as well as successful mid-career colleagues who will offer their insights and advice on these important issues. Through a combination of structured panels, round table discussions, and informal interactions, we will tackle the questions of risks and opportunities of choosing a career in IM, getting tenure, building a scholarly reputation, developing a research/publishing strategy for greater impact on the field, and maintaining a healthy balance between research, teaching, and service. On the same day, consortium participants will be invited to a "Meet-the-Editors" session. This session will provide an invaluable opportunity to hear directly from Editors at some of the leading journals in the field of International Management.


    To apply, please submit your application by May 15, 2021 to JFC Chair, Jonathan Doh, Villanova University at Jonathan.doh@villanova.edu.


    Applications should include the following (compiled in one file):

    - A nomination letter from your Department Head or Dean

    - A one-to-two-page description of your research interests (research questions, relevant literature, primary methodology)

    - A CV with full contact information (two-page maximum)


    JFC Faculty Panelists

    Tina Ambos, University of Geneva

    Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen

    Paula Caliguiri, Northeastern University

    Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University

    Klaus Meyer, Ivey Business School, Western University

    Chang Hoon, University of Kansas

    Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney

    Bill Newburry, Florida International University

    Jennifer Oetzel, American University

    Rebecca Piekarri, Aalto University

    Jordan Siegel, University of Michigan

    Mary Sully De Luque, Thunderbird School of Global Management , Arizona State University

    Paul Vaaler, University of Minnesota



    Call - IM JFC 2021 .pdf   488 KB 1 version